American Reunion (2012)

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IMDb Rating
6.7 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Jim, Michelle, Stifler, and their friends reunite in East Great Falls, Michigan for their high school reunion.

  • Not Rated Yet
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MPAA Rating:
113 Minutes
Adam Herz (characters)
Jon Hurwitz (screenplay)
and 1 more credit

Weekly Volcano's Review

Roger Ebert on April 10th, 2012

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The members of the old high school gang, now in their early 30s, have moved on in one way or another. So much have they matured, indeed, that when three of the guys plan to get together a few days early in the old hometown for a head start on the class reunion, they don't even let Stifler know their plans. They still like the Stifmeister, but they keenly recall the trouble he got them into in their previous meetings. Stifler (Sean William Scott), however, more than succeeds in leading them into hot water again this time. Stifler's famous mom (Jennifer Coolidge) reappears, as if in a time warp. Also back are Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Eugene Levy and Tara Reid. - Three stars

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