Another Earth (2011)

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IMDb Rating
7.0 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

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MPAA Rating:
92 Minutes
Mike Cahill">
Brit Marling
Mike Cahill">

Weekly Volcano's Review

Roger Ebert on August 10th, 2011

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A new planet four times the size of the moon, appears in the sky of Earth. Searching for it out her car window, a young woman (Brit Marling) causes a car crash, killing a mother and child and sending the father (William Mapother) into a coma. After he emerges from the coma, she contrives to work as his housecleaner, and they develop a fragile relationship without him realizing who she is. The presence of Earth 2 in the sky suggests alternative lifelines we could have lived. Marling makes an impressive debut, and the film is thought-provoking. - Three and a half stars

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