Arbitrage (2012)

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IMDb Rating
6.6 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

A troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his trading empire makes an error that forces him to turn to an unlikely person for help.

  • Not Rated Yet
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MPAA Rating:
100 Minutes
Drama, Thriller
Nicholas Jarecki
Nicholas Jarecki (screenplay)

Weekly Volcano's Review

Roger Ebert on September 12th, 2012

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Richard Gere stars as a man involved in a multimillion-dollar fraud, who cheats on his wife, tries to cover up the death of his mistress, betrays a man who goes out on a limb for him, and would throw his own daughter under a bus. A brilliant thriller, so well-written and directed by Nicholas Jarecki that it evokes Hollywood's classic era. With Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth and Brit Marling. - Four stars

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