Buddy Games (2019)

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IMDb Rating
5.0 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

A group of friends reunite to play The Buddy Games, a wild assortment of absurd physical and mental challenges. In the process, they'll heal old wounds, right past wrongs and figure out the true meaning of friendship...or die trying.

  • Not Rated Yet
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MPAA Rating:
R for strong crude sexual content and language throughout, some graphic nudity, drug use and brief v
90 Minutes
Josh Duhamel
Josh Duhamel

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on December 2nd, 2020

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Directed by and starring the usually likable Josh Duhamel, this horrific train wreck depicts a bunch of chest-thumping idiots who convene every year to compete in Jackass-level games. If you want to see a movie where a paintball pierces a man's scrotum, step right up. - One star

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