Detroit (2017)

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IMDb Rating
7.2 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Amidst the chaos of the Detroit Rebellion, with the city under curfew and as the Michigan National Guard patrolled the streets, three young African American men were murdered at the Algiers Motel.

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MPAA Rating:
R for strong violence and pervasive language
143 Minutes
Crime, Drama, History, Thriller
Kathryn Bigelow
Mark Boal

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on August 4th, 2017

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Arriving almost exactly 50 years since the Detroit riots of 1967, Kathryn Bigelow's Detroit is a searing, pulse-pounding, shocking and deeply effective dramatic interpretation of events in and around the Algiers Motel, where police tortured, abused and assaulted a dozen "suspects," murdering three of them. - Four stars

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