Your Highness (2011)

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IMDb Rating
5.6 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Throughout history, tales of chivalry have burnished the legends of brave, handsome knights who rescue fair damsels, slay dragons and conquer evil. But behind many a hero is a good-for-nothing younger brother trying just to stay out of the way of those dr

  • Not Rated Yet
(Based on 0 Ratings)
MPAA Rating:
102 Minutes
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller
David Gordon Green
Danny McBride

Weekly Volcano's Review

Roger Ebert on April 6th, 2011

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A juvenile excrescence that feels like the work of 11-year-old boys in love with dungeons, dragons, warrior women, pot, boobs and four-letter words. A promising cast (James Franco, Natalie Portman, Danny McBride, Zooey Deschanel) in one of the worst films of the year, a witless farce set in medieval times and featuring a curious obsession with adding obscenities to every sentence. The screenplay co-written by McBride is more suitable for a campfire skit by dirty-minded 11-year-olds on the closing night of summer camp. - One  star

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