Tacoma wins crime tag

By weeklyvolcano on November 24, 2008


Sometimes Go! likes to wallow in our own misery. We refer to it as going out and getting a big bowl of bleak. We stick our face right in the bowl and lap it up ravenously. It makes us feel really bad, and then, sometimes, it makes us feel really good because once we're done, we know it's over, and things can only get better, right? Here's today's Bowl o' Bleak thanks to The News Tribune:

Tacoma ranks the highest in crime of any city in the Pacific Northwest, according to new statistics from CQ Press.

Tacoma ranks No. 39 for cities with the highest crime rating, with the city's score at 143.92. If you want to look at it the opposite way, Tacoma is the No. 347 safest city in the nation.

The closest Northwest city is Everett, which comes in at No. 55.

LINK: The rest of the Trib's post â€" if you need a second helping