The SOTA Intern Blog: Day Five

By Anne Anderle, Megan Adams on January 19, 2011

As Anne attempted to get to her walnuts (sometimes, Tupperware is really smarter than us), we pondered what to write in this blog. It's not that we're boring or anything, we just care about giving our readers top-notch blogs to read. So, in dedication to you, we want to wish you a very happy, pleasant, joyous, exuberant, vivacious and zestful National Thesaurus Day. Today is the day to finally dust off the old thesaurus, and start broadening that vocabulary! Start using words like plethora, facetious, ragbag and wheedle. You can even spice up your insults - instead of yelling "Watch it, dude," when someone bumps into you, try "You brainless, dazed, half-baked, rash, moronic, obtuse, out-to-lunch, nonsensical, thickheaded tooth walking whale-horse!"

Translation for those without such an expansive vocabulary as us: "You stupid walrus!" It has just the right combination of randomness and smarts to befuddle even the quickest of pedestrians.

So, dear reader, go out there and have a thrilling National Thesaurus Day and use your words to the absolute fullest.


LINK: The SOTA Intern Blog - Day One

LINK: The SOTA Intern Blog - Day Two

LINK: The SOTA Intern Blog - Day Three