Muslim Capitol Day meets SOTA

By Anne Anderle on January 14, 2011


Racism and prejudice toward the Muslim population is a hot-button issue that the Council on American-Islam Relations has devoted its time and energy to tackling. CAIR will be hosting their annual Muslim Capitol Day 2011 fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 17 on the State Capitol campus in Olympia. Based in Washington D.C., this non-profit organization deals with legislature around Islamic relations, educates the wider community about the Muslim faith, and gives a voice to the American-Islamic population. Arsalan Bukhari, executive director of CAIR-Seattle says, "The main focus of CAIR is to get involved and advocate on issues that effect everyone."

Muslim Capitol Day is not only a fundraiser, but also an opportunity for Muslim residents of this state to come together to address issues relevant to their districts. Those attending will get to speak directly to their lawmakers, have meaningful discussions, and learn how legislation is enacted. Each registered person is automatically given an appointment to speak with two of their representatives and one senator to lobby for issues such as preventing foreclosure, balanced budget, and preserving basic services.

Participants will also have an opportunity to hear from guest Imam Siraj Wahhaj, distinguished public speaker, previous member of the national board of CAIR, and the first Muslim to offer an opening prayer to the U.S. House of Representatives. Wahhaj promotes issues such as abstinence and drug awareness.

Last year, this event was attended by an impressive 500 Muslim people across the state, and was extremely well received.            

Jacob Glickman, a junior in Tacoma School of the Arts' internship program, will also be spending the next three weeks as an intern for CAIR. Glickman is responsible for the online registration for the Muslim Day at the Capitol.

"I believe that Muslims have faced a lot of prejudice in our country since 9/11 and even before, and I want to do all I can to help support them and fight this mistreatment," states Glickman.

To register for Muslim Capitol Day 2011, call the CAIR office at 206.367.4081. Meals and childcare will be provided; transportation available.

If you would like to make a donation to CAIR, visit their website here. 

Muslim Capitol Day 2011

Monday, Jan. 17, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
State Capitol Campus, 416 Sid Snyder Ave. SW, Olympia

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The report above was filed by our Tacoma School of the Arts intern Anne Anderle, who wrote it in a cubicle embedded in our Advertising Department inside Annex C at our World Headquarters. Surrounded by chatter concerning the Best of Olympia issue, corporate sales charts, hairdos and OMG Married to Rock, she discovered a connection between our state's Muslims Day and Tacoma School of the Arts. The Volcano participates in SOTA's internship program on a yearly basis. It's the smartest move we've ever made, besides Company Pizza Day every Wednesday.