Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

By Julie Holt on January 7, 2011


Four Loko (just minus the uppers) will soon once again be stocked in your Washington State gas stations. It was approved by the Washington State Liquor Control Board on Dec. 8th, proving once again that the voices of the American public cannot be stifled. We will not be denied our Dimetapp flavored, paper-bag wrapped beverages! And, God, it was a rough month fighting through the Four Loko shakes, but now the Four Loko beer pong can resume, just minus the caffeine. (Thanks a lot Central Washington light-weights.)

Also hitting the newsstands today... The previously banned Four Loko removed from Washington stores is being recycled into Ethanol. That's right, your car running on last night's would-be-party. I think it's brilliant, but I think I hear my roommate crying.