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FALL ARTS: Weekly Volcano's visual arts critic's picks

Three solid shows on the horizon

Art Chantry shows at Fulcrum Gallery Sept. 15-Nov. 17.

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Art Chantry

Parkland is Burning! Oh no, call the fire department. Better yet, hightail it to Fulcrum Gallery for this sizzling hot show of posters by the great Art Chantry.  From the "Take my penis" condom posters to artwork for Hempfest, Chantry's works are wild, inventive, and in-your-face Tacoma icons. Parkland is Burning! Will be on exhibition from Sept. 15 to Nov. 17 at Fulcrum. Don't miss this one. 

[Fulcrum Gallery, Parkland is Burning!, Sept. 15-Nov. 17, 1308 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma,]


Ellen Ito at The Telephone Room

Ellen Ito is one of the more inventive and colorful artists to be seen in Tacoma, and in October she'll be featured in T-town's most unique art gallery, The Telephone Room. Ito may be best known for her installation Time Machine, created in collaboration with Nicholas Nyland at the old Helm Gallery. We don't yet know what she is going to show at The Telephone Room, but you can bet it will be fascinating.

[The Telephone Room, 3710 N. Seventh St., Tacoma]


Collaboration is fun

Gathering: John Miller and Friends opens on Nov. 5 at Museum of Glass. It showcases 25 four- to five-foot-tall goblets made by Miller in collaboration with friends Martin Blank, Karen Willenbrink-Johnsen, Paul Marioni, Fritz Dreisbach, Einar and Jamex de la Torre and others. The middle or stem section of each goblet demonstrates the artistic expression of the individual collaborating artists, with the cup and foot portions by Miller. What a unique show!

[Museum of Glass, Gathering: John Miller and Friends, opens Nov. 5, 1801 Dock St., Tacoma, 866.468.7836]

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FALL ARTS: Our visual arts picks of the new season

LINK: 2011-2012 visual arts listings

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