Blogs (52) Currently Viewing: 21 - 40 of 52

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

ONCE YOU GO BLACK SWAN, YOU NEVER GO BACK...SWAN.>>> Last night Natalie Portman took home a Golden Globe for her leading roll in Black Swan, the dark drama about a ballerina who gets lost in her character and loses her mind. I loved the movie and would like to honor it

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

SAVED BY THE PILLS >>> Everything I learned in the '90s I gleaned from Eddie Vedder lyrics, some of the stuff my parents said, but mostly ... from a little show called Saved By the Bell. The show that made you laugh, showed you just how cool acid-wash jeans and a

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

SLAPPY SCROTUM GAME..IT'S A BALL!>>> I've said it once and I'll say it again: There is nothing funnier than watching an old man getting hit in the nuts with a football.  Something that comes close is watching a line of prepubescent boys getting racked in the scrotum as part of a Japanese

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

SO... I'M IMMATURE. GET OVER IT. MY MOM DID.>>> Due to all the crazy ass snow, well, I just got in the mood to spend several hours watching amateur Youtube montages of skiing accidents. Call me what you want, but I don't think there's a person reading this blog that doesn't

Walkie Talkie Blog

An open letter to the A-hole who stole my laptop

DEAR ASS FACE>>> You invaded my personal area (house) and took my most prized treasure, my V (Viral connection). So, please, take care of my beloved box (compact hard drive) and love it like I did (at least twice a day). Gleefully make ear love to my mp3 catalogue (2,000 deep),

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

THIS JUST IN FROM FOUR LOKO>>> Four Loko (just minus the uppers) will soon once again be stocked in your Washington State gas stations. It was approved by the Washington State Liquor Control Board on Dec. 8th, proving once again that the voices of the American public cannot be stifled.

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

HUNGARY BRINGS YOU HEAVY METAL BLISS>>> Before I started working for the Volcano I wasted a lot of time on Youtube... Now, I get paid for it.(So, very, very little.) But, now I can waste away my mornings guilt-free. This morning I cruised Youtube for a couple of hours trying to

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

MAKE IT ALL BETTER LOUIS, MAKE THE BAD GO AWAY>>>   Happy humpday! Here's a little Louis C.K to get you through the midweek lull. I was gonna post a story about the man with the world's largest penis (about the size of a wine bottle) for hump day, but I wasn't

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

I'VE GOTS HAY FEVER BITCHES!>>> And the award for "Most Creative Drunk Driver" goes to the butt-ass-naked hay baler from Armarillo, Texas. Well, I'm reading here that the video is a fake. Dream crushers! The disclaimer is probably neccessary. I mean, if you can sue McDonald's for making you fat, you

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

MOST PEOPLE LET THEIR CHILDHOOD DREAMS FADE; 30-YEAR-OLD MICHELLE STILL EMBRACES HER INNER TURTLE>>> When I was a kid I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle too. We'd play at recess and fight over who got to be Donatello (because he had a giant stick). I'd always get stuck playing April

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

MILLION DOLLAR STRONG>>> I dug through the archives and pulled out one of my all time favorites. You may have already seen it, but dammit, it's too good to see just once. Comedian Mike O'Connell and Dr. Ken (you may remember him from such films as Knocked Up ... oh yeah,

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet

GUILTY PLEASURES>>> Of all of the crazy shit I've found scanning Youtube, Funnyordie, and other waste-your-time websites, this is the golden child, the rainy-day-pick-me-up, the 20-second video that makes the next 20 minutes of my life just a little less depressing. Please watch, rinse, and repeat. It's funnier than seeing an

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet: Bizarre New Year's Tradition # 5

LET'S BURN SOME VOODOO DOLLS>>> As the old year turns into the new, people in Ecuador handcraft dolls out of straw newspaper, and old clothes... dolls that are made to look very much like political figures from the past year... dolls which they then throw into a fire

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet: Bizarre New Year's Tradition #13

INTERWEBS: MAKING LIFE BETTER SINCE AL GORE INVENTED THEM >>> In the Philippines they associate roundness with coins and wealth, so to insure the coming year is a prosperous one, on New Year’s Eve they like to surround themselves with round stuff. People dress in outfits

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Shit I Found on the Internet: Bizarre New Year's Tradition #23

SOME POP THE CORK, SOME POP FIREWORKS, SOME PEOPLE WEAR LADIES UNDERWEAR>>> In various South American countries like Bolivia, Ecuador or Brazil, people celebrate New Year’s by wearing a pair of brightly colored underwear, for good luck. According to tradition, wearing a pair of yellow

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Christmas Shit I Found on the Internet

OH CHRISTMAS WEED>>> Last week a man in Germany was arrested after police found him in possesion of a 6-foot-tall marijuana plant in a Christmas tree stand and strung with lights. According to the AFP, "When asked, the hashish fan told the perplexed officers that he had

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy Christmas Shit I Found on the Internet

PHASERS SET TO STUN, IT'S GOING TO BE A KLINGON CHRISTMAS>>> A Chicago theater is staging a production of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol with a Klingon theme. The entire play is spoken in thIngan Hol, the language of the Klingon race, which was developed in 1984

Walkie Talkie Blog

Crazy shit I found on the Internet

HAGGIS POTATO CHIPS>>>For the love of Cheetos and all that is holy in American snack food, this new and questionable treat is being imported to the states. For those not aware of this Scottish delicacy, haggis is a a steamed pudding made of finely minced sheep heart, lungs and liver,

Walkie Talkie Blog

Have yourself a Punjabi Christmas

PUNJABI JINGLE BELLS>>> Despite beng racist and a little creepy, I can't stop watching this video which, by the way, was produced by Nickelodeon.

Walkie Talkie Blog

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