Concert Alert
McKenna Snyder on February 1st, 2013
We list major concerts going on sale this weekend, as well as national touring acts performing in the Puget Sound this week and down the road. SECRET TICKET CODE TM = Ticketmaster, 253.627.TIXS, TW = TicketsWest, 800.325.SEAT, TWEB = Ticketweb, 866.468.7623, >>> ON SALE FRIDAY 10 AM The View. Seattle. Feb. 28 9
Concert Alert
McKenna Snyder on January 26th, 2013
We list major concerts going on sale this weekend, as well as national touring acts performing in the Puget Sound this week and down the road. SECRET TICKET CODE TM = Ticketmaster, 253.627.TIXS, TW = TicketsWest, 800.325.SEAT, TWEB = Ticketweb, 866.468.7623, >>> ON SALE NOW The Joy Formidable.
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 30th, 2013
SOTA INTERN BLOG >>> Today I was invited to try out Me-Ality, a machine that scans your body frame then suggests your perfect fit of clothes! The first and only one in Washington arrived last March at the South Hill Mall near Target. It's a free service and only takes 20
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 29th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> Tomorrow, Jan. 30 marks the end of my internship at the Weekly Volcano World Headquarters. I had such a great time keeping up this blog. Thank you, readers, for sticking with me in my short time here on Spew. I am grateful for all the positive feedback
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 24th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> Now, I assume most of you know about Anthem Coffee and Tea. It is a new coffee company that opened Nov. 1, 2011 in downtown Puyallup. When I first noticed it consumed my beloved Froza, I was a little skeptical. But, the moment I walked in, I
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 23rd, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> During my trips to Paris I have discovered the joys of lounging on a nice summer evening with a hunk of cheese and a glass of red wine. You could say I have grown accustom to it. Naturally, I'm thrilled there's a cheese shop in Puyallup. My
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 22nd, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> On the corner of North Meridian Street and West Stewart Avenue sits the quaint Enchanted Harp. It is one of a few harp shops in the Northwest. Right off the bat you will notice its eloquent atmosphere and, if you are lucky, one of the workers will be
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 20th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> Friday, I caught the 400 Bus from Puyallup to Downtown Tacoma to meet with fellow Tacoma School of the Arts students. Besides the school, we share dependence on Pierce Transit. The topic of our roundtable was the defeat of the Prop 1 measure and the resulting outcomes. "It
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 17th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> Downtown Puyallup is mostly known for its pretty parks and small town feel — and, of course, the Puyallup Fair. But, what is not known about Puyallup is some of its unique history, such as The Spite wall and the ghost that still haunts the area. On a
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 16th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> On your next trip to the South Hill Mall, I highly suggest you lunch at Trapper's Sushi. Trapper's is across the bus stop near Macy's. It's the perfect break after a long day of walking through the mall. Now, I know some find sushi restaurants fishy. If that's
Walkie Talkie Blog
McKenna Snyder on January 15th, 2013
SOTA INTERN REPORT >>> Bonjour! My name is Mckenna. I'm interning at the Weekly Volcano for the next three weeks - specifically Jan. 14-31. In that time I will be covering things such as events, restaurants, pass times and the must sees in Puyallup. But before I go on blogging I
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