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513th Transportation Company ‘Roadrunners’ welcomed home

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513th Transportation Company ‘Roadrunners’ welcomed home

  The Soldiers of the 513th Transportation Company, 13th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 593rd Sustainment Brigade, did something rare during their deployment. The "Roadrunners" served in three theaters, accomplishing myriad tasks, each with their own unique challenges, said Lt. Col. Douglas Henry, 13th CSSB commander. They were

593rd Sustainment Brigade troops use education program in effort to stay in Army


593rd Sustainment Brigade troops use education program in effort to stay in Army

"The Army is looking to retain those who exceed expectations," Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler III said recently. "Specifically, being a part of tomorrow's Army will require a willingness to stretch beyond one's comfort zone in order to grow as a competent Soldier and


593rd Sustainers add skills in training

With the slowdown of Overseas Contingency Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, many Army units are adding training events to their calendars that focus on skills that were not used very often during the last 10 years.With that in mind, Soldiers assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 593rd Sustainment Brigade, took

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