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Music Critics' Picks: Debbie Neigher, The Approach, Brakemouth, Fruit Juice

Nov. 16-20: Live music in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

Debbie Neigher / photo courtesy of Team Clermont

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A hip coffeehouse and a young, bright singer/songwriter/pianist from the Bay Area? Sounds perfect for a November evening. Debbie Neigher is on tour to promote her sophomore album, Unravel, a joint effort by talent that has worked on The Mountain Goats, Rogue Wave and Death Cab for Cutie. The result is lovely, with a lot of feminine power, a lot of pop-synth and a lot of heart. Dancing or relaxing would both be appropriate when listening Neigher's soprano sweet voice and piano-driven jams. Hype for the artist from San Francisco Bay Guardian reads, "She's youthful (just 24), yet her voice is strong and conveys a wise understanding of past, similar to Michelle Branch or Fiona Apple. Her lyrics often dive into difficult topics ... And her intricate piano work soars." {NIKKI MCCOY}

DEBBIE NEIGHER, 8 p.m., Metronome Coffee, 3518 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, no cover, 253.301.2375


A cursory look at the Tacoma reggae quartet The Approach's debut record suggests the band favors upbeat rhythms over the lazy, laid-back tempos preferred by too many of its contemporaries. This gives the songs an exceptionally strong rhythmic backbone. Combining hip-hop, reggae, rock and ska, the band isn't afraid to throw in some unexpected tricks, such as shredding guitars and a few Anthony Kiedes-like interludes. Although some of the songs go on a bit long, they rarely sound self-indulgent. No, instead they sound like a party, which is exactly what the band's live shows bust out. Drop by Jazzbones Saturday night for The Approach's CD release party with Vividal and Mighty High setting the tone - emphasis on "party." {RON SWARNER}

THE APPROACH CD RELEASE PARTY, w/Vividal and Mighty High, 8 p.m., Jazzbones, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $8, 253.396.9169

[ALT-POP] + SAT, NOV. 16

Brakemouth bears certain similarities to fellow Portland artist, Hands In: Both are one-man bands, utilizing preprogrammed beats beefed up with live guitar, and both manage the plate-spinning of such an endeavor with admirable aplomb. But, while Hands In uses this technology to craft shambolic psych-pop, Brakemouth tends more toward the anthemic alt-pop of the mid-'80s to early '90s. Injecting elements of The Cure, Stereolab and The Smiths, Brakemouth's music hits that certain sweet spot for those of us that like to cry and drive. The music is fist-pumping and heart-rending in equal measure, which creates an effect that suggests a full band in stadium mode more than one guy on a stage in a small club, as you'll find when Brakemouth performs in the iconic Java Jive. {REV ADAM MCKINNEY}

BRAKEMOUTH, w/ Not From Brooklyn, Future Fridays and the Sound of Speed, 9 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, $5, 253.475.9843

[POP] + WED, NOV. 20

The kind of light psychedelic pop created by Fruit Juice is eminently invigorating in its giddy goofiness. With their glammy energy and commitment to sunny, falsetto harmonies, Fruit Juice at times resembles Of Montreal. Smack in the middle of a brightly poppy journey, an underwater spoken word interlude busts in and ushers the listener down a rabbit hole of brain-warping textures before emerging on the other end just as boisterous and driving as before. Elsewhere, Fruit Juice recalls the pastoral beauty of Village Green-era Kinks, or the sly experimentation of John Lennon. It's a swirling fish bowl of paint illuminated against a wall in an endless configuration of shapes and colors, and it all eventually congeals into a surprisingly consistent vibe of wackiness and devil-may-care subversion - all with pleasantly glassy-eyed sheen. {REV. AM}

FRUIT JUICE, w/ I Like Science, 10 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, no cover, 360.943.5710

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