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Music Critics' Picks: Indigenous Robots, Hey Lover, Havania Whaal, DJ Kid One

Oct. 17-18: Live music in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

Hey Lover

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If I'm obliged to classify Indigenous Robot, an iffy critical approach under the best of circumstances, I'd say it's teetering halfway across a tightrope between Modest Mouse and The Doors. The Colorado quartet leads with Kyle South's patient guitar melodies and exacting percussion from Ryan Longenecker. The band's Facebook page calls its sound "psych garage rock," but recent EP Revolting is moodier than that. I was reminded of grunge-era rock-'n'-blues outfits such as Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Whatever you call it, however you slice it, iRobot pulls you in quickly and deeply, then leaves the rest of your weekend free for two Seattle events: Matisyahu at the Showbox Thursday, followed by Bob Dylan and His Band at the Paramount Saturday. Awesomeness overload! {CHRISTIAN CARVAJAL}

INDIGENOUS ROBOTS, w/Bottlenose Koffins, Static and the Cubes, 9 p.m. Half Pint Pizza Pub, 2710 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $5, 253.272.2531

[PUNK] + SAT, OCT. 18

There's just no faking the sort of unbridled exuberance that bursts forth from Portland punk trio Hey Lover. How awesome are these guys? The husband and wife that make up two thirds of the group played Hey Lover's first show following their own wedding. That had to have been the best wedding reception in the history of the form. With regards to their music, Hey Lover work almost exclusively in rowdy blasts of endorphin-sapping punk. The video for their song, "Piranha," displays this quality very well, in addition to their blatant disregard for their instruments' well-being, as they thrash around in a pool with their guitars and drums, shouting ecstatically about how they're gonna eat ya'. Hey Lover is the kind of band you want on your side - fighting, partying, or a combination of both. {REV. AM}

HEY LOVER, w/ Anteek Junkees, Various Moods, Heads Out the Window, 8 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, $5, 253.475.9843


I'm not precisely sure what precipitated the members of Havania Whaal to plug in that mandolin and feed it through layers of distortion, but it's working for them. Describing themselves as "twee-gaze," Havania Whaal definitely benefit from the winsome levity that their fuzzed-out mandolin brings to the frothy garage pop. The bleary vocals blend into the onslaught of driving instrumentation. The Portland trio, for as bright as the reverb-drenched vocals can get, don't tend to back down from the rougher edges of the garage. At times, they even lean into the harder stuff and keep the pummeling constant for three minutes of an eardrum-challenging blitz. Even if I hadn't seen their beer-soaked video for their single, "Foine," it would've been perfectly clear that Havania Whaal were made to soundtrack your wasted house party and your even drunker next-day cleanup. {REV. AM}

HAVANIA WHAAL, w/ Full Moon Radio, Fruit Juice, 10 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, no cover, 360.943.5710

[DJ] + SAT, OCT. 18

Everyone throws birthday parties, but when a great DJ throws his or hers own birthday party, it's time to show up. Enter DJ Kid One.  The San Diego, California, transplant has been ripping South Sound dance floors for the past few years with his intense party-rocking style. Saturday, he'll celebrate his 33rd birthday in style with a dress-up, suit and tie and cocktail-dress-esque night at Olympia's swankiest (if there is such a thing-this-is-it-spot) club, 1230 Room. Most often associated with the EDM (electronic dance music) stylings and sub-genres of dubstep mixed with rap and trap sounds, Kid One will likely take the tables for a bit during the night, which is usually hosted by The Tastemakers (Alex Bosi and Chris Paro) Saturdays. This is sure to be a pretty active night full of party people, drinks and removal of some level of clothing, if the formula goes as planned. {JOSE GUTIERREZ}

KID ONE'S SUIT & TIE BURFDAY, 9 p.m., 1230 Room, 120 Fourth Ave., Olympia, $5, 360.352.1230

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