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Music Critics' Picks: Jeffrey Lewis, Hell's Belles, Buddy Jackson

Nov. 1-5: Live music in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area

Buddy Jackson / photo courtesy of Facebook

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I have a soft spot in my heart for Jeffrey Lewis. I first saw him perform in a downtown venue - the long-gone Stereolounge - shortly after I started getting underage drunk and going to see punk shows. Someone from the Drug Purse (can't remember who) stumbled and fell through the wall at that place. Anyway, Jeffrey Lewis blew through town and acted as my first exposure to what I would come to know as anti-folk. Being a comic book artist - in addition to a brilliant singer-songwriter - Jeffrey Lewis accompanied his show with a series of illustrated drawing pads to put a face to the absurd characters in the songs he would sing. An impeccably charming guy, Jeffrey Lewis is someone to pay attention to no matter what silly project he's bouncing to or back from. {REV. ADAM MCKINNEY}

JEFFREY LEWIS, early show w/ Awkward Energy, Angelo, Markly, 12:30 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, cover tba, 360.943.5710

[ROCK] + SAT, NOV. 1

It's been a tough month. What this rain-soaked weekend calls for most is one awesome round of head-banging, guitar-thrashing, devil-horn-signing indoor entertainment - away from all those candy-crazed toddlers. Let there be rock! Aussie ensemble AC/DC is still touring even as they crumble like arctic ice, but I can tell you from personal experience you'll have at least as much fun (and spend way less money) at a Hell's Belles show. This all-female cover band crystallizes the insane energy of a mid-'80s AC/DC concert. Lead guitarist Adrian Conner's swinging locks and pyrotechnic power chords jolt every Polo-shirted and/or mom-jeaned crowd to its feet. Gen-Y readers, this may be your last opportunity to see your middle-aged parents jam in the aisles like teenagers. (Psychologically speaking, perhaps that is the true Highway to Hell.) For those about to rock with Mom and Dad, we salute you! {CHRISTIAN CARVAJAL}

HELL'S BELLES, 5 and 9 p.m., Jazzbones, 2003 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $9.99 and $12, respectively, 253.396.9169


Montana-based garage pop band Buddy Jackson, sure know their way around a good "woh-oh." While there's certainly a good amount of fuzzed-out thrashing, Buddy Jackson always give you plenty of sugar to let the medicine go down. Melody and a good sing-along chorus seem to always be at the front of their minds, even when the lead vocals get pushed to the edge of a scream. Listening to their music, it's easy to imagine it being the platonic ideal of those goofy middle school friends that get together in their dad's garage and form a band - maybe it's their cheekily confrontational statement of how their dads could beat up our dads that helps to give off that impression. This is music for sweaty, sloppy mosh pits in exactly the kind of concrete box that Le Voyeur is. Elbow pads may be advisable. {REV. AM}

BUDDY JACKSON, w/ Chasing Hornets, Hold Fast, 10 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth Ave., Olympia, $3, 360.943.5710

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