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5/20 Shout out from SSgt. Bruce Huntress

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SSgt. Bruce Huntress:  "To my wife, Nancy, and our sons, Steve, Nathan and Charlie I want them to know I am doing well and can't wait for Christmas."

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Comments for "5/20 Shout out from SSgt. Bruce Huntress" (1)

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AuditiiOn said on May. 24, 2012 at 6:27pm

We're A independent label trinyg to make it in this game and the best way to do that is by being more known on youtube.One of the ways we stand out is we help unsigned artists get more fans by uploading there songs for a new fan baseYou can change our future with one simple click.Please thumbs up so other people can see this and check out our channel and comment with feedback if you like,also if you think we could improve.If you like check the other artists we have over 50 vids up!Cheers!

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