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FOB Pasab: 5/20 Strykers meet multiple challenges

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Forward Operating Base, or FOB, Pasab is about 60 miles southwest of Kandahar.  For the time being, it is home for the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.

Rectangular in shape, the FOB is comprised of a dozen LSAs, or Life Support Areas.

It is a fairly bare bones facility comprised of Quonset-like tan tents that serve as living quarters for the Soldiers.

The battalion is stationed at LSA 2.  Besides the numerous living tents, there is a small MWR center, a small religious center, a small dining facility, and a small workout center.

In other words, the men and women here at FOB Pasab are not living big.

The mayor of LSA 2 is Sergeant First Class Thomas Trott.  An easy-going man with a ready smile, he knows everything that goes on in his "town."

"Currently, I am working to enlarge the DFAC," he said over a recent breakfast.  "The SEABEEs will be in here to make a number of changes for the better."

I wondered how the SEABEEs are with controlling the weather.

Right now a cold wind is blowing and the tent I am sitting in and typing these words literally lifts and falls with each gust.

Along with the wind comes the dust - a fine talc powder-like substance that gets into everything.

"It's looks lunar out there," PFC Andrew Kirk said when I stepped into the battalion's command post.

Contrast that with yesterday's 80 degrees and blue skies, and you're starting to get the idea as to how fast the weather can turn.

"Don't worry, continued Kirk.  "It won't be long before the temperature will stay at over 120 degrees and there will be little wind."

But while the wind is now high, morale seems higher.  Soldiers assigned to the motor pool, logistics and medical detachment are upbeat about their missions.

"We're good," SSgt. Bruce Huntress said as he supervised the disentangling of concertina wire from the right rear tire of a MRATV, or Mine Resistant All Terrain Vehicle.

"We know our jobs, and we do them well.  We're a team."   

The battalion is currently working with 4th Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division in the Zharay District.  Serving with the American forces are two battalions of the Afghanistan National Army (ANA).

Companies attached to 5/20 are also working in Command Outposts, or COPs, throughout Zharay in the conducting of counter-insurgency operations.

"Our goal is to connect the government with the people," Lt. Col. Steven Soika, the battalion's commander, said. 

"Our efforts have been going well."

Those efforts are focused on governance, economics, security, attacking the Taliban network and social development.

"Our motto in carrying this mission out is ‘Get After It,'" Capt. Allie Smith, the public affairs officer for the 82nd Airborne, said.

"And this is exactly what we're going to do."

The Soldiers here at FOB Pasab may not have much in the way of fun distractions, but they are committed to completing the mission.

Comments for "FOB Pasab: 5/20 Strykers meet multiple challenges" (13)

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Pamela Hagen said on Mar. 19, 2012 at 6:10pm

My son, Christopher, is located on FOB Pasab. I really appreciate you telling us what you can on how they are and what it's like for them. I also appreciate all the photos when they can take them for us - I understand that there's only a couple of photographers and they have to "get around" to each area, so when they take one's of this FOB, I look for everyone I know!!! God Bless everyone in the military!!!!!!!

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Scott Gill said on Mar. 20, 2012 at 4:11pm

Was curious if the reporter can comment on what items the soldiers may want to receive in care packages. Am fixing to send some things, wanted to send the right stuff if there is a special need.

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Diane Bowton said on Mar. 20, 2012 at 4:33pm

Thank you so much for your updates! we look forward to seeing and reading the information about all the positive things that are happening in 5/20's days. It seems to help the time go by faster knowing the progress that is being made. May God continue to be with each one giving so much of themselves to help our world become a better place. Hugs from home to the troops!!!

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Kimberley Wills-Hammons said on Mar. 20, 2012 at 5:42pm

Thank you so very much for sharing about PASAB, our son is there and it is wonderful to recieve information about the FOB and the soldiers. Thank you!!

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Rick Sealock said on Mar. 20, 2012 at 6:07pm

Thanks for updating us civilians on conditions there. There is a "certain" Lt. stationed there that has been "adopted" by a local school, a couple of Senior High School Ladies using him as their Senior Project, and supported by MOMS (Mothers Of Military Service people). Make sure he shares all the "Girl Scout Cookies"!

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Dennis said on Jul. 19, 2012 at 10:31am

I was wondering if there was Internet there for soldiers to be able to write home etc! My wife is being transferred there and was wondering what the communications were like there!

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Kenny Cantrell said on Jul. 23, 2012 at 8:33pm

For all the soldiers at Pasab and especially my grandson Pfc Patrick Cantrell... We thank the brave men and women who are sacrificing for us .. We love you and wish you God speed.. Patrick we will have a huge party when you get home

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Barb Shaffer said on Aug. 20, 2012 at 9:09am

Prayers go out to all of our soldiers at FOB Pasab but especially to my grandson Sgt. Christopher Thompson...we love you Chris and can't wait to see you home!!!!!!! Grandma Barb
God Bless the USA

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sheri widmer said on Nov. 19, 2012 at 11:29am

Thanks to all at Pasab. We continue to pray for all our Armed Forces. May God bless you all and keep you safe. My brother, Larry Swan, is with the GD team with the Strykers. I keep trying to get him to retire but he is loyal you all and keeping you up to date and safe. May God bless him.

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Lee said on Dec. 30, 2012 at 12:44pm

Just curious to know what a day at Pasab is like... I will be going there in a few weeks and would like to know what to expect. I am going as a contractor.

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Susanne Speckhaus said on Jan. 17, 2013 at 10:26am

Prayer to all the soldiers at FOB Pasab.Especially for my son Sgt. Marvin Speckhaus.Come home safe.We are proud of you all.
Take care and God bless you

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Teressa Hatcher said on Mar. 24, 2013 at 6:54am

Hi, my newphew is at this base, looks like things are bare there. Just want to thank all the men and women serving our country and please come home safe. God is with you.

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angella service said on Apr. 30, 2013 at 8:29pm

My son Ian Service is part of a detachment there. He will never tell me what to send so I just have to guess. He is several boxes behind in the things I have sent, and those items run into some pretty big bucks, not counting mailing costs. Is there any reason he isn't getting his boxes in a timely manner?

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