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Active Duty & Education 10 Tips for Success

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Whether it is returning to college or just beginning down that track, enrolling in higher education while on active duty can be daunting. Here are ten tips for smoothly completing a degree.

1.     Establish an obtainable goal. Be very concise but make it achievable, "I want to receive a bachelor's degree before my current enlistment is up" or "I want to achieve an associate's degree within in the next three years."

2.     Find out your availability. It is imperative for a military member to speak to his/her chain of command before pursing higher education. Having a chain of command that is aware of a your goals and get their opinion on availability. Some classes are only available in person and some are online. Independent study is another option that works with a deployment schedule. Once availability is determined the type of classes can be sought out.

3.     Be flexible. If your work schedule conflicts a class ask your supervisor or chain of command if it is possible to come in for extra duty, come in early or work late in order to leave for the class. Talk to your professors about being flexible with your work schedule. Send in papers in advance if you can't physically attend the class.

4.     Make education a priority. There are many important priorities in life: religion, family and work. Place education above your extracurricular activities and social life. Remember school does not last forever, so place it high on the priority list.

5.     Accountability. Ask friends, coworkers, and family to hold you accountable for your goals. Let your support group know of your plans and how important they are to you to achieve them.

6.     Prioritize your time. Down time occurs frequently. Find ways to incorporate flash cards and study time around the down time. While waiting for a formation, on lunch, between shifts. Find that extra ten minutes and use it.

7.     Visit the post education center. Joint Base Lewis McChord's education center is Stone Education Center. The career specialists at Stone are valuable assets for planning and obtaining education.

8.     Figure out which military program works best for you. For instance, the Army has EArmyU, GOARMYED, College of The American Soldier and colleges such as American Military University are very familiar with military careers and working around them.

9.     Satellite campuses. Many military bases offer satellite campuses where branches of accredited universities allow military members to attend classes on post. Many of these classes are scheduled around a normal military work schedule.

10.  Stay positive! Don't give up! Achieving a college degree while on active duty can be complicated and stressful. Stay positive and keep trucking.  Deployments, TDY's and PCS's may cause bumps in the road. It is important during these bumps to stay on track, remember priorities and keep going. The end result is worth the short term stress.

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Charl said on Oct. 30, 2011 at 9:48pm

As Charlie Sheen says, this atircle is ?"WINNING!?"

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