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Military Kids Can Apply for 2012 Scholarships

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The deadline is swiftly approaching for the Fisher House Foundation's 2012 Scholarships for Military Children Program, conducted at military commissaries worldwide.

Applications must be completed and delivered - not postmarked, but delivered - to a commissary by close of business Feb. 24, according to an agency release. People can pick up applications at their local commissary or download it from the scholarship program's website.

A minimum of one $1,500 scholarship will be awarded at every commissary location where applications are received. The Defense Commissary Agency operates nearly 250 commissaries on military installations around the world, according to its website.

The program is open to currently enrolled or college-bound children of active duty, reserve or retired military commissary customers.

The scholarships are primarily funded through the manufacturers and suppliers whose products are sold at military commissaries, according to the program's website. The scholarship provides for payment of tuition, books, lab fees and other related expenses.

The program is in its 11th year. In its first 10 years, nearly 5,500 students have shared more than $8 million in scholarship grants.

For more information on this and other scholarships, visit the Scholarship Programs of the Fisher House Foundation website.

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