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Madigan tobacco use study is open to new participants

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What it the purpose of this study?

This study is looking at ways that smoking affects your health and will attempt to find a new way of giving information about the health of your lungs and empowering people who want to stop smoking.

Who can volunteer for this study?

Eligible participants include male and female military health care beneficiaries age 18 years and older, active duty service members, reserve component service members, retirees, active duty family members, and retiree family members who are currently smoking or who have smoked in the current month. Subjects will not be excluded on the basis of age, ethnic background, or gender. All subjects must give written and informed consent.

What do participants have to do?

During the session of the treatment program, participants will take part in a simple lung breathing test to test lung functionality. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire to measure your dependence on nicotine. You will then complete a questionnaire to measure your self-efficacy (a person's confidence in their ability to quit using nicotine). Finally, a depression level questionnaire will measure how you currently feel. The survey sections should take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete, most people take less than one hour for everything. You will be part of this study for 12 weeks. During this time you will be asked to visit the clinic only one time.

For more information, contact the McChord HAWC (Health & Wellness Center) at 982-6947 or the Madigan Tobacco Cessation Program coordinator at 968-4387.

Comments for "Madigan tobacco use study is open to new participants" (1)

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Howie Davis said on May. 23, 2012 at 1:24pm

Is this study still accepting participants? I haven't been smoking for a long time, but I want to do my part to at least help other keep away from this terrible habit, if I'm eligible.

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