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HIP-HOP IN THE 25360: Zulu Nation Anniversary


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I will say this much... Seattle is quickly - and I mean with a quickness - becoming a model of how to do things right in the Hip-Hop community.  Of course this is a blanket statement and does not apply to each and every Seattleite, but it speaks to the enthusiasm for unity and progression in multiple pockets of the Seattle-area Hip-Hop scene.  This weekend's Zulu Nation Anniversary is yet another notch to add to the 206 resume, because it went down in a real way.

Not only were Shock G aka Humpty Hump and the legendary Grandmaster Flash in town for the weekend for separate bookings, but The 206 Zulu Nation celebrated its 6th year of existence with a dope series of events spanning the weekend.  From the kick-off party at Hidmo's (shotz to Rahwa!), to the youth summit and the universal conference of Zulus, to the final event - the mighty four (which I was fortunate enough to attend), the Zulus represented Hip-Hop with honor and respect.  It's funny that I have to mention these principles of honor and respect, but they are so often missing amongst we Hip-Hoppers that I must take not when the principles are upheld.  The events were well attended and most included the presence of children in safe and fun atmospheres.  Shotz to King Khazm, Kitty Wu, Alonzo, Orbitron, Giorgio Brown, Zac Tucker, Oregon/45th Parallel Zulus, Hawaii Zulus, NYC Zulus, Lauren Olkus and all the Zulus and attendees for keeping the peace, love, unity and having fun in the atmosphere all weekend! 

A couple notable legends were also welcomed to the Emerald City.  Straight from New York, the legendary Popmaster Fabel was in the house as an attendee and judge of the The Mighty 4 B-Boy battles as was (my personal dance hero) the legendary Boogaloo "Turbo" Shrimp of the Breakin' film franchise.  Boogaloo Shrimp is often overlooked (I CANNOT see how this is possible) as a dance icon and has not been in the public eye with a large presence for some time (he was recently a guest on The George Lopez Show - GO PACOIMA!), but he was ceremoniously given sacred Zulu beads as an honorary Zulu - and the beads were blessed from Zulu headquarters in The Bronx and given by members from the New York and Los Angeles Zulu chapters.  WORD!  Thanks for everything ‘Turbo'!  More exclusive info about Boogaloo Shrimp a bit later.

Overall, the even was a massive success and showcased the power of Hip-Hop culture and what those who love it can do to uphold it for our community's benefit.  Hip-Hop ain't dead, ain't scared and ain't one-dimensional.  For photos and to learn about the competitors and winners of the B-Boy/Girl battles log on to  Geah!


This was amazing to hear, but straight from the mouth of one dance legend I was told that the legendary and recently deceased Michael Jackson had a dance instructor... It was Turbo aka Boogaloo Shrimp!

I had an opportunity to speak with Boogaloo Shrimp for a bit during his appearance at The Mighty 4 B-Boy/Girl competition held at Club 131 in Seattle this past weekend.  He was itching to talk about his relationship with Michael Jackson and he wanted to share how much he cared for and valued Jackson's career- but the conversation took a turn that I did not expect.  Boogaloo for the first time was able to discuss his role as teacher for the gloved one.  Shrimp was endeared to Jackson and was clearly barred from sharing his role as a teacher for Jackson by contractual agreements - until Jackson's recent death.

"1983 was an important year for me", cited Shrimp.  "A lot happened in my life and one opportunity was to teach Michael Jackson how to pop," Shrimp told me.  Prior to 1984, Shrimp physically displayed the movements of Jackson, which were more rhythmic and flowing with little ‘popping' and ‘ticking'- then Shrimp discussed the changes in Jackson's dance style which were apparent during his Bad campaign.  Jackson became more ‘cocky' with his dance style according to Shrimp and had more of an assertive attitude.  Shrimp went on to say that Jackson was a phenomenal and open-minded student who was enthusiastic and eager to learn... Who woulda thunk that The King of Pop had a teacher, but if anyone it had to be Boogaloo Shrimp!  Thanks, OG!


Mr. Bachelor himself will make an appearance and sing his a** off at The Vault in Olympia tomorrow night.  Most widely known for his pop smash, "Pony" Ginuwine actually has a powerful catalogue of albums and singles.  The R&B crooner is also an amazing dancer and was (if not is) a hit with the female crowd - so if you're looking for a looker fellas, you know where to be this Friday.  He recently released his sixth studio album, A Man's Thoughts.  Big shots to Tacoma's own Mr. D.O.G. for presenting the show and shots to Echo Curry pushing the promo campaign real tough-like! 

Also opening the show will be D1, Rocky Sandoval and David Hayes.  The Vault is located at 425 Franklin Street in Downtown Olympia... Your state capital.

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Comments for "HIP-HOP IN THE 25360: Zulu Nation Anniversary" (3)

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zion-1 said on Feb. 20, 2010 at 7:35am

Michael "Boogaloo Shrimp" Chambers aka Turbo is the best dancer hands down. Chambers is to dance what Michael Jordan is to basketball!

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Dusty Angel said on Mar. 03, 2010 at 10:15am

Boogaloo Shrimp aka “Turbo” from the classic Breakin’ movies was on our radio show over the weekend! He did a 1 hour interview chronicling his life as a hip hop pioneer. It was a great show. He even talked about his recent introduction into the Zulu Nation! If you are a fan of Boogaloo Shrimp then you don’t want to miss this interview. Just go to WWW.PODTALKERS.COM and click on the “Oddcast”. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. You can also subscribe to us on Itunes. Just search for “Oddcast” and look for the weird logo!

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Lauren Olkus said on Mar. 04, 2010 at 10:00am

What an awesome article! Jose you do such a great job in the community.

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