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Call of duty

C.F.A. was built to rock (almost always)

READY FOR BATTLE: Cody Foster's Army presents Smoking Gun. Photo courtesy of MySpace

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A band like Cody Foster's Army doesn't come along every day - a dynamic and powerful three-piece with a heavy old school hardcore attitude and an uncompromising DIY approach. Consisting of members of an assortment of legendary Tacoma bands from the last two decades, these guys are no strangers to local rock. Foster plays bass and sings, Dave Takata is the crazy guitarist, and "Reno" David Marseillan is the thundering drummer. Together they are making a name for themselves with a fierce set of raging tunes. They are also gearing up for the release of their debut EP, Smoking Gun, on Violent Hippie Records.

"This was a great recording experience, we were all pretty pleased with the result," says Foster. "It was done by Tony Reed (Stone Axe) at Temple Studios in Port Orchard. The place isn't fancy but is totally comfortable, and the most pro sessions I've ever been in. He really knows what he is doing."

It shows listening to the songs on this disc - seven blistering tunes in all showcasing the band's more aggressive roots. But for those looking to catch these guys live in the near future, you might be pleasantly surprised to know there is even more to this powerhouse trio than simple sonic fury.

In May the band will be celebrating the release of Smoking Guns at two venues in two different ways. The first show, this Saturday, coincides with Hell's Kitchen's eighth anniversary. With Zeke headlining, and Witchburn and The Badlands also on the bill, the show promises to be one hell of a night. This will be C.F.A. in its natural form: loud, in your face, primal.

If you're interested in seeing another side of C.F.A., Saturday, May 15 at the Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe will be something worth checking out - and it's free. Billed as "C.F.A. & Friends: Disarmed" - the night seems destine to be an experience you probably weren't expecting from these guys.

"We are playing the entire CD that night as well as other songs, all rewritten acoustically," Foster elaborates. "There are a lot of people scheduled to perform with us. Gary Lappier is playing guitar and singing one of his own songs. Metal Ed is going to play some 12-string. Our friend Greg is playing harmonica, Bryan Johnson too ... I don't want to spoil all the surprises yet.

"It is going to be a lot of fun, though. We're really looking forward to these shows."


With: Zeke, Witchburn, and The Badlands

Saturday, May 1, 9 p.m., $10

Hell's Kitchen, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003

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Missy said on May. 01, 2010 at 3:48am

I love C.F.A.!!! Good review of an amazing said it...Tacoma legends! Cant wait for the accostic set!

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