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One of the 253's finest readies for the release of "The Retirement Plan" in October


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The 253 has been deep with MCs and hip-hoppers since the ‘80s, and this humble paper does its best to re-introduce the pioneers you need to know if you rep the 253. However, one legend we haven't mentioned yet, one of the bosses - E-Dawg - is on deck with the way overdue release of a new record being put out by his old hommie Sir-Mix-A-Lot and his Rhyme Cartel Records, The Retirement Plan, scheduled to drop in October.  To prime the masses, E-Dawg has already released a mix-tape with help from the always formidable and well-respected DJ B-Mello called (appropriately) The Plan Before the Master Plan.

Being an OG in the game is not a gimme.  Just because you pick up a microphone and say a few words in it does not mean you're dope.  The title of rapper is earned, not given, and an MC is an earned position; E-Dawg is one of the few artists intelligent, creative and ambitious enough to take that title and use it for the better. 

So, when you've politicked with Sir Mix-A-Lot, rocked mics around the country and world, and sold thousands of units working deals with hip-hop luminary and legend, Rick Rubin (co-founder of Def Jam Records), what is next and what is your legacy? 

E-Dawg answers.

"You ain't gonna have no voice if you're not able to pay your bills," says E-Dawg as we talk about getting started in the music business. 

"You have to be able to make moves outside of the moves that got you into the business. Being a man is important to me and it's the most important part of my legacy. It can go down however anybody wants it to, but I have children and a family and that's important to me," says E-Dawg.

As an artist he adds, "I'm an all around talent/artist whether managing, marketing or promoting in the music industry. That means something as far as my legacy, because a lot of people call themselves doing music, but the business side is lacking." 

E-Dawg saw his star rise with the release of his mid-‘90s hit single, "Drop Top," released under the guidance of Sir Mix-A-Lot and Rubin. The song was later featured on the seminal Seattle: The Dark Side compilation.

E-Dawg, who moved from Seattle to Tacoma as a teenager and went back to the 206 as an adult, values the business. He also says a lot of the problems in the hip-hop world today are a result of the fact that many artists do not. But he also thinks elders in the music game should reach back and lend a hand to the youth. 

"I gotta play the game a little bit to get heard, but once I'm heard it's important to listen to, help and reach back to those in need," he says.

With the already available mix-tape, The Plan Before the Retirement Plan, E-Dawg doesn't necessarily reach into the past, but he enlist DJ B-Mello, D Labrie, Treal, Factor, Mr. D.O.G., Kits, Izzy, and D. Valentino. The new record, The Retirement Plan, follows suit, featuring Sir Mix-A-Lot, Slug, Emmanuelle, Lady Tazz, DJ Roc'Phella and others.  

It's a refreshing to witness the dope coming out of the 253 right now. Considering E-Dawg's longevity in the game is rare, and he continues to pave way for not only himself but those around him, so-called rappers, producers, aspiring music industry pros and MCs out there would be remiss to not soak up some of his game, and maybe even strategize a career to develop their own retirement plan around.

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Comments for "NON-STOP HIP-HOP: E-Dawg" (5)

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MiZtah Zelle said on Oct. 01, 2010 at 4:51am

This guy right here IS one of the NW legends. Like they say, It takes one to know one. I have known him for many many years. He brings to the mic and stage what most rappers wish they had. Style, charisma & delivery. After that, everything else falls into place, As you all will see and hear, E-Dawg's long awaited album will definitely give you some great entertainment! I am proud to be one of his friends and colleagues in this NW Rap Game. BIG UPS E-DAWG!!! You deserve it!!!

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dJ dAb said on Oct. 01, 2010 at 6:51am

That's my boy!

Go out and get it!

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Gene Dexter said on Oct. 03, 2010 at 1:18pm

Great article. We love E Dawg in the Northwest.

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Swift Tongues said on Jun. 08, 2011 at 8:03pm

EDAWG deserves recognition. In a city where a large volume of the population are inspiring rappers, very few have the business sense and lyrical talents to be successful. E has the whole package and that Album dropping in October is going to be major!
Swift T

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Marco stewart said on Feb. 01, 2012 at 4:21am

U know we did a lot of shit together I dont c still to this day a bettet rapper n the game hit me up e dawg

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