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We have a winner!

A Tournament of Pizza champion was crowned

Photography by J.M. Simpson

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After three weeks of voting the Weekly Volcano readers have picked the most popular pizza joint in the South Sound.

The Tournament of Pizza Championship match pitted longtime Tacoma favorite Katie Downs Waterfront Restaurant against the Westside Olympia powerhouse Apollo's Pizza & Pasta.

Yesterday's championship battle saw the most online voting before dinnertime (5 p.m.) of the tournament. Katie Downs had a commanding lead by time the voting switched to the live ballot voting at 6 p.m. during the Tournament of Pizza Party Inside The Schooner Pub in Lakewood. At the party, folks filled out pizza voting/raffle ballots when they weren't pounding beers and screaming at the televisions. The pizza voting couldn't help but supercede the ugly NCAA Men's Championship hoop game in which UConn held the Butler Bulldogs to a title-game record-low 18.8 percent shooting.

But, as promised, we tallied the on-location votes during halftime of the hoop game, which ended up dead even.

For photos and results, jump on our blog Spew here.

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Alex said on Apr. 08, 2011 at 11:20am

I don't care what the contest says. Cloverleaf still has the best pizza around. The taste is incredible. I don't know why so many in Tacoma has abandoned this treasure. Perhaps because it's kind of out of the way and not near Downtown but I would drive 50 miles or so to get such pizza!

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