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The Renewable Cycle

SALT Records follows the model of Dear Records, while blazing its own trail

Grace Oberhofer and the SALT Records roster perform Friday at The Space in downtown Tacoma. Photo credit: SALT Records Facebook

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One of the more immediately appreciable aspects about the Tacoma School of the Arts is the constantly renewable source of music the school supplies. Tight-knit groups of musicians are bred and make an impact on the local music scene before moving away or sticking around and becoming young veterans of the Tacoma scene. Then, in a couple years' time, another group of musicians emerges from the school and the cycle begins again.

"Have you ever heard of Dear Records?" says Josh Tacke, via telephone. "(SALT Records) was definitely inspired by that. It was mine and my friend Nathan Faber's senior project, last year, for school. I was really inspired by Dear Records having an artist's collective of SOTA kids. I had a lot of friends who were making really awesome music and recordings that we weren't really doing anything with, outside of SOTA. It was an effort to band all these SOTA artists together, go out in the community and play and establish a presence for ourselves."

Some of you may recall Dear Records, which largely featured singer-songwriters and some electronic artists from SOTA, and would occasionally release compilations. SALT Records has a similar model, even going so far as to feature some Dear Records alums on their compilations, such as Paul Dally, Dylan Treleven and I Low. The songs are still mostly homespun and lo-fi, which was often a staple of Dear Records.

But SALT Records are far from copycats, which their compilations easily prove. It's an interesting experience to listen to SALT Records and to compare it to Dear Records - to listen to two groups of frighteningly hip, ambitious young people and to see how the dynamic of the indie music scene has changed over the years. SALT Records features more upbeat pop, when they're not devoting time to droning electronica.

Friday's upcoming show at The Space, in conjunction with the Warehouse, will feature performances from some artists of the SALT Records roster, in addition to a performance from Drew Grow, of the Pastors' Wives. Tacke informs me of a project wherein SALT Records will release a new single every week for the foreseeable future. "At least until September," he says. Look up SALT Records on to keep track.

[The Space, with Drew Grow, Valerie Warren, Roswell, Josh Tacke, Dave Yi, Nathan Faber, Chayse Cope, Grace Oberhofer, Friday, Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m., $5, 729 Court C, Tacoma]

Comments for "The Renewable Cycle" (14)

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low bar said on Aug. 05, 2011 at 10:13pm

heres a fucking idea adam, why not fucking post a fucking sound cloud clip of said artist like everyone else in the blogsphere has figured out and is doing except you and the fucking rad volcano so we can fucking hear what fucking someone sounds like instead of having to read your bullshit? thanks:)

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Rev. Adam McKinney said on Aug. 06, 2011 at 3:40pm

Low Bar,

Once again, enthusiasm appreciated.

All the music is there. Pretty easy, right?

Oh, yeah: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Smiley face! I'm taking a University of Phoenix course on trolling. How am I coming along?


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Rev. Adam McKinney said on Aug. 08, 2011 at 2:33am

Also, complaining about not having direct links is kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel. Get your shit together, Jason. I'm worried about you.


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I Low said on Aug. 08, 2011 at 10:45am

Great folks to be keeping your eye on, Reverend McKinney. There's plenty of folks out in NYC with an ear to the ground listening for what's to come out of Salt. Also, lulz @ University of Phoenix course on trolling. Classic. I'm using that.

I'd love to hear more about these cats from the Volcano. Dig DEEP.

Come back to the City for a pre-dinner bar crawl!

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low bar said on Aug. 15, 2011 at 6:10pm

Why don't you use that I Low? I think you should. It's about as original as you using part of my troll name. Doesn't take much for you to consider something classic either, does it? AHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Ah, the simple fucking minds on this website. About as simple as an online course at U phoenix:) -I Low, is that you copying -Rev and being even more unoriginal then I am able to comprehend? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Rev, I guess you think signing off as a '--Rev' makes you elevated on all subject matter then. Kudos for inspiring the disgustingly unoriginal to use your material:)

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Rev. Adam McKinney said on Aug. 17, 2011 at 3:28am

Low Bar,

I didn't understand a word of that, but it's good to see you back. As I said, I was worried, and now it's quite clear that you are suffering from some sort of brain disorder, and there's nothing funny in joking about that. Just know that my prayers are with you and As difficult as it is to imagine there being people in your life who love you, I have to assume the best about even the worst of people.



And even more hyphens: -----------------------Rev!

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low bar said on Aug. 18, 2011 at 12:17pm

Brain disorder? You're the one monkey fucking the yawnapaloosa scene in Tacoma! ahhahahahaah. Doesn't get anymore nuttier then that. Let me spell it out since I see you're IQ has dropped as well since we started this thread. The definition of mental illness is doing the same fucking things, i.e. monkey fucking a dead scene, reporting on it, and expecting anyone to give a crap. The Volcano is over!! But I am glad you've been able so far to live out your high school news paper club dreams none the less. Love you!

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Rev. Adam McKinney said on Aug. 18, 2011 at 1:08pm

Low Bar,

"You're IQ has dropped." Hmm. But I do like that you said "monkey fucking" twice and expected me to give a crap.


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Rev. Adam McKinney said on Aug. 18, 2011 at 2:28pm

Jason, I'm tiiiiiiiired. Can we talk about you for a little while?


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Matt Driscoll said on Aug. 18, 2011 at 4:34pm

The Volcano is over!

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low bar said on Aug. 21, 2011 at 8:57am

Glad SOMEONE can take a joke here. Monkey fucking twice? This thread is so over now

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Rev Adam McKinney said on Aug. 22, 2011 at 2:09am



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low bar said on Aug. 22, 2011 at 10:56pm

All my old loves have grown old and ugly, and are as irrelevant as the Tacoma scene:) But who the fuck can get over how no one has written a code for hyperlinking here?? You can sell the crap out of shit JBLM really doesn't need but you can't make a simple alt weekly do what it's supposed to. Go figure. It's works just like everything else in Tacoma since the city's birth. Like a fucking autism case.

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low bar said on Aug. 22, 2011 at 11:20pm

you can go with this

or you can go with that

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