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CRITICS' PICKS: Tallest Tree, Charlie Musselwhite, Rooftop Warrior, Maltoberfest

Live music in Tacoma: Oct. 7-8

CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE: The harmonica master returns to Tacoma Friday.

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>>> Friday, Oct 7

Tallest Tree has been steadily establishing itself as an accomplished indie rock band in these parts since 2009. Taking cues from more math-leaning acts like Built to Spill, as well as the angular freakouts of Modest Mouse and indie touchstones like Death Cab for Cutie, Tallest Tree has established a pastiche of a sound in a genre that essentially is nothing more than a pastiche. The band's strength is rising above the rabble and delivering the goods with strong songwriting and melodies - a sound immediately familiar, while firmly distinct. Additionally, a certain progressive rock bent begins to creep in when Tallest Tree lose themselves in a song and decide to take you on a journey. Far from a jam band, though, Tallest Tree always makes sure to steer you hard back into the form of the song. - Rev. Adam McKinney

[Hell's Kitchen, with Big Wheel Stunt Show, Valis, Legend of Bigfoot, Umber Sleeping, DJ Darren Selector, 9 p.m., no cover, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]


>>> Friday, Oct. 7

He's been called damn near every superlative in the book - and for good reason. When you hear Charlie Musselwhite is a "harmonic master," as the promotional material for Friday's show at the Broadway Center in Tacoma suggests, it's no lie. Dude is that good. He's a blues legend. With a career that's spanned nearly five decades, and with more notches on his accomplishment belt than could possible be noted in this small space (although, as a tip of the iceberg, Musselwhite received two Blues Music Awards earlier this year from the Blues Foundation, "Traditional Blues Male Artist of the Year," and "Best Instrumentalist- Harmonica"), Musselwhite has done just about all there is to do in the blues music business. This week, as part of a show co-presented by the Immanuel Presbyterian Blues Vespers, Musselwhite once again does Tacoma. Having seen Musselwhite at Jazzbones, I would expect nothing short of brilliance. - Matt Driscoll

[Rialto Theater, 7:30 p.m., $29-$49, 901 Broadway, Tacoma, 253.591.2013]


>>> Saturday, Oct. 8

There's something to be said for how far a modicum of confident swagger will take you. Rooftop Warrior understands this principle and uses it to good effect when employing classic-rock-indebted gutter-blues. Echoes of other great bar acts like the J. Geils Band can be heard. Rooftop Warrior seems to have a reverence for these older tropes, while trying to carve out a distinctive groove. But, despite all of these things that can be read into the band's music, the one thing that's printed so boldly on the face of Rooftop Warrior is the innate sense of fun they seem to have churning out one killer riff after another. Saturday will find Rooftop Warrior holding a CD release party at The New Frontier. - Rev AM

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Blanco Bronco, Fox and the Law, 9 p.m., $5, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]


>>> Saturday, Oct. 8

It's become tradition. Beautiful, lederhosen-centric, malt-liquor-fueled tradition. Every year, customarily at Bob's Java Jive, co-creator Craig Egan and his cast of dedicated, party-making cohorts put together one of the coolest and most unique nights of the year - mixing ghetto culture, all things German and large quantities of Old E (or similarly malt adult beverages) to make Maltoberfest - thee place to be this Saturday night. With music coming from prime sources like Saucy Yoda, Kramer and DJ Melodica (among many others) you know the tunes will be banging. And seeing as the $15 entry gets you all the malt liquor you could possibly drink (not to mention lots of German food), there's really no better bang for your party buck either. Remember to drain a forty for your toten Freunde. - MD

[Bob's Java Jive, with Saucy Yoda, Warning: Danger!, Farac Oh Eight, Artesian Rumble Arkestra, Dead Peasants Kramer, Crooked Smile, DJ Melodica, 7 p.m., $15 includes food, malt liquor, magic, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma]

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