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CRITICS' PICKS: Dirt Nasty, Redneck Girlfriend, Legend of Bigfoot, Strange Vine

Live music in the South Sound: Nov. 18-23

Catch Strange Vine Nov. 23 at The New Frontier Lounge.

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>>> FRIDAY, NOV. 18

First it was Mickey Avalon. This week, Jazzbones welcomes "rapper" Dirt Nasty to Tacoma, founder of the Dyslexic Speedreaders (of which Avalon and Andre Legacy were also a part of), and - more importantly - Simon fucking Rex from former MTV fame. That's right. Dirt Nasty is Simon Rex, and these days his gig revolves around producing ridiculously funny hip-hop tracks pertaining to drugs, the '80s, cocaine, sex, even more drugs and the inability to dance ... not necessarily in that order. According to the show's billing, Dirt Nasty will come to T-Town prepared to bust out his "hits," including "1980." Cue the hook in your head: "I got a gold chain ... I'm on co-caine ..." Honestly, there's no way this show won't be entertaining. The Breaklites and DJ Pedro are also on the bill. - Matt Driscoll

[Jazzbones, with the Breaklites, DJ Pedro, 9 p.m., $10 adv, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]



Redneck Girlfriend's self-given description incorporates many utterances of stuff like "yee-haw!" and references to Yankees. The band seems to be about creating the illusion of country music - shrouding it over hard rock hearts and delivering it in a blistering fury. But for as much as the band embraces this surface sound, Redneck Girlfriend manages to cut to the real essence of country music, in much the same way hip-hop possesses many of the same ethos as classic country. Redneck Girlfriend is about drinking beers and having good times, even as they squint their eyes in manly ways to keep from having a teardrop land in one of those beers. In the end, though, it's about that lively rolling sound, and Redneck Girlfriend delivers it in spades. - Rev. Adam McKinney

[Hell's Kitchen, with Aces Up, Stone Evergreen Travelers, the Graceland 5, 6 p.m., $7, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]



It was mid-summer when Legend of Bigfoot returned from dormancy, and - quite simply - Tacoma's scene has been a whole lot more rockin' since. The rarest of bands - able to entertain hipsters and metal-heads alike - the LOB is on the move, playing a show this Saturday at Bob's Java Jive with Vile Red Falcons and James Coates, not to mention re-releasing their debut LP and premiering a first-ever music video Friday, and finishing up work on a new CD due out sometime in the spring. As they say, "It's all happening" for Legend of Bigfoot. The big, fat maraschino cherry on top of all of it? As regular KISW 99.9FM listeners can attest to, Legend of Bigfoot has been the "Loud and Local Band of the Week" this last week - scoring a prime interview on the station and turning the whole region on to a fresh local sound that pays homage to many of the KISW staples.  Dig it. - MD

[Bob's Java Jive, with Vile Red Falcons, James Coates, 9 p.m., $5, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]



It's not an easy feat to stand out in the buzzing colony that is the South By Southwest music festival in Austin, Texas. There is constant activity, constant sound being emitted from frequently amazing bands, and it can sometimes blend into one collective hum. That I still fondly remember Strange Vine after catching the band in a parking lot in Austin, and later on a rooftop at midnight, speaks volumes of both the novel aspect of this band as well as the in-your-face musicianship that defines it. A two-piece -guitar and drums - Strange Vine also incorporates an organ, which the drummer simultaneously plays with one hand. It's a neat little tightrope act - which wouldn't mean much of anything if the music wasn't so damn compelling. This is your second chance to catch Strange Vine in Tacoma. Don't miss it. - Rev. AM

[The New Frontier Lounge, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]

LINK: Nightlife It List

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MC said on Nov. 17, 2011 at 2:02pm

Meh. Covering the same bands in Tacoma as usual. Not taking anything away from the artists listed above, but you guys routinely cover the same bands over, and over again. Feels pretty cliquish around here, sort of like Seattle.

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