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Nerding out on The Cure

Local band emulates goth rockers for Night of the Living Tribute Bands

TRIBUTE: A KISS Tribute band rocked the Night of the Living Tribute last year, and The Cure plan to look and sound just like the legendary goth rockers this year. Courtesy Mike Burdoff

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Olympia now has its own Cure cover band. And it plans to take Capitol Theater by storm Oct. 27 when the Olympia Film Society presents Night of the Living Tribute Bands 2012.

Joel Shillander (Robert Smith/vocals, guitar), Stevie Benge (Boris Williams/drums), Allison Stewart (Simon Gallup/bass) and Mark Rentfrow (Porl Thompson/guitar, keyboard) have been working hard to sound and look like the beloved dark wave rockers.

"I spent a lot of time tracking down the right foot wear for Robert Smith," Shillander says. "Do you know how hard it is to find just plain white hi-tops these days?"

Benge has his blond wig spiked out just right with black shades to mimic Williams, Rentfrow has the eye patch and long hair and Stewart plans to evoke Gallup.

"My hair will get teased big like no one's business," she says. "I'm just trying to stay true to character with the old waver look."

And like every Night of the Living Band should, the band has taken great lengths to sound like the band it is covering.

"I've gotten extremely nerdy with my guitar setup," Shillander says. "I've got two of the same amps as Robert Smith, Roland JC 120's in stereo chorus; I've got multiple Boss pedals. I'm trying to capture the same guitar effects."

Shillander says the whole band has been working hard to obtain the same sound and instruments as The Cure (or, as Shillander likes to say about this project, "nerding out"). Benge has the same drum set as Williams, they've acquired the same keyboards, and are going across the board to replicate a live Cure performance.

They even have it down to lighting and stage effects.

"We have our own stage crew who will be running the fog and laser beams," says Shillander, with excitement in his voice.

The band will focus on The Cure's early career, circa 1984. Shillander says they plan to close the show with "A Forest," which is typical of a bona fide Cure show.

The rest of Night of the Living Tribute's lineup consists of The Clash, PJ Harvey, Devo, Scorpions, Nirvana and Ozzy. The event is hosted by Lauren O'Neill, aka Hattie Hotpants, of Olympia's TUSH! Burlesque.

Come celebrate the ghoulish pre-party to Halloween and join the costume contest for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the 29th Annual Olympia Film Festival. Last year's show sold out, so get your tickets early.

(Night of the Living Tribute Bands 2012; Oct. 27, 8 p.m. doors open/8:30 p.m. show; $6 OFS members/$8 general admission. Tickets available at, Rainy Day Records, and at the box office night of show. All ages with 21 and over seating in the Mezzanine Bar.)

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