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Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair stylist: Anna Ott

The Tacoma Parlor

Anna Ott

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A year and a half ago, I was fortunate enough to open my very own salon, which I named The Tacoma Parlor. It's where I get my sexy on, and is built as an addition to our home on South 15th Street and Yakima.  Although the commute is pretty rough, I buck up and think to myself, "Someone's gotta do it."  Also, I must say that my amazing husband Jason really adds to the overall sexy factor; Sure I may be sexy, but when you add him into the picture you may have to turn your head away because no single person is able to handle that much sexiness.


Sometimes love/hate. I've been here about six years and fallen in love with a lot of places, and some of my favorites haven't survived. It's kind of sad to watch. Now, being a business owner, I have a whole new understanding of what it takes to stay afloat and I have a new found respect for surviving business owners like Pat Brown from Satellite Coffee, Patricia Lecy-Davis from Embellish, Mike and Molly Ott from Corina Bakery, Jamie Brooks from Brooks Dental Studio, Julie Bennett from urbanXchange, Nichole Connelly from Nurture Healing Center and many, many more. These are all businesses that have really either shaped my love for Tacoma or have been a huge part in getting me and my business to the place I am now by being great examples of strong, structured businesses.


Sexy, to me, is pulling yourself together with not too much work.


Come on, it's Tacoma! Just kidding. I'm very flattered, and a little worried about my future. I don't want to lose friends because of jealousy, and I'm really dreading all the people coming up and asking for autographs - not to mention what this is going to do for my business. How will I find the time to manage all the new clients beating down the door to get an appointment with me? Email me at thetacomaparlor@  There's my plug.


Good foam from Satellite, weekend morning omelets from Masa and a great burger from Asado on Wednesday night date night with my hubby.

Having a friend show up unexpectedly everywhere I go in this city, and the fact that almost all my clients know each other. Honestly, this city "is" sexy people. I've never felt as connected to a large group of people as I have to you guys lately. I love this city.


The timed stop lights that I run almost every day, and the fact I don't have a grocery store closer to me. How about a Whole Foods downtown? That would be awesome!


It's a toss up. I really feel like I want to say my husband, Jason, because personally I think it's true. But, I may have to say Liz Sparks. When she's working at Corina Bakery and she heats up my quiche or serves me a slice of vegan peanut butter chocolate ganache cake I want to kiss her!


Probably at the YMCA in the mornings. I'm always dressed up really nice with my hair and make up done perfectly. Boy do I sweat gracefully when I'm making an ass of myself dancing in a Zumba class or showcasing my perfect moves in kickboxing.  Nothing says sexy like that.

A SEXY PLACE FOR A HAIR STYLE: The Tacoma Parlor, South 15th Street and Yakima,

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Comments for "Tacoma's Most Sexy Hair stylist: Anna Ott" (2)

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Ana Sierra said on Mar. 04, 2010 at 10:22am

I hope to run into you as I love your sense of humor and it sounds like you're a fellow vegan. (I love Corina Bakery too!) No Whole Foods though (they're not all that green or organic), but I agree with you that DT needs a good grocer, preferably a local grocer that supports local businesses. Yeah! Now that's sexy!

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James W. Ferrell said on Oct. 21, 2010 at 10:04am

I'm thinking of the Anna I met in Denver co. in 1962

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