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Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Gritty City

You voted for Benjii Bittle, Mark Lindquist, CJ Johnson Bail Bonds, Planned Parenthood and much more ...

Best Tacoma Celebrity: sweet pea, photo by James Hume

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Thank you to all who took the time to vote in our Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll. You are the Best.

Best Tacoma Celebrity: Sweet Pea
Best Politician: Mayor Marilyn Strickland
Best Empty Condo Building: Esplanade
Best Friendly Face: Benjii Bittle
Best Reason You’ve Heard Someone Give For Being Scared Of Tacoma: The Aroma
Best Public Restroom: Ruston Way
Best Hidden Gem: 1022 South
Biggest Nuisance For Downtown: Parking issues (not enough, too expensive, restrictive hours, meter maids)
Best Local Non-Profit: Broadway Center for Performing Arts
Best Politician You Love To Hate: Eric Anderson, Mark Lindquist (tie)
Best Use Of City Of Tacoma Money: Improving parks
Worst Use Of City Of Tacoma Money: Parking lot projects
Best Local Hero: Police officers
Best Local Villain: Dale Chihuly 
Best Bus Stop: Tacoma Dome Station
Best Place To People Watch: Ruston Way
Best Place To Hide: Point Defiance Park, Pierce County Jail (tie)
Best Way To Irritate Tacomans: Mention Seattle
Best Bail Bonds: CJ Johnson Bail Bonds
Best Bike Lane: North Union area
Best Place To Do It In The Car: Point Defiance Park
Best Person You Want To Makeout With: Ryan Marsh of the band Corson Swift
Best Place To Cheat On Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend: Car on Ruston Way
Best Place To Take Out Of Towners: Point Defiance
Best Place To Meet Someone: Top of Tacoma Bar and Cafe, 1022 South (tie)
Best First Date: Owen Beach
Best Break-Up Spot: Narrows Bridge
Best STD Screening: Planned Parenthood
Best Place To Get Hitched: Point Defiance Park/Rose Garden
Best Blog: Exit 133
Best Divorce Lawyer: Lynn Johnson

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South Sound Music Calendar: Wednesday, Aug. 11

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confused newbie said on Aug. 17, 2010 at 10:05pm

I am a recent transplant to the Gritty City. Can anyone tell me why Dale Chihuly was voted best local villain?

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