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Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll: Arts and Entertainment

You chose Tacoma Little Theatre, The Grand Cinema, Fulcrum Gallery, RR Anderson and others ...

BROADWAY GRAFFITI GARAGES: It won Best Public Art despite being next door to shirtless Alan Gorsuch of Sanford and Son Antiques. Photography/art by James Hume

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Thank you to all who took the time to vote in our Best of Tacoma 2010 Readers' Poll. You are the Best.

Best Public Art: Graffiti Garages
Best Local Filmmakers: Isaac Olsen and Rick Gratzer
Best Local Actor: Matt Shimkus, Joe Rosati (tie)
Best Local Actress: Kristie Worthey, Emilie Rommel, Ieisha McIntyre, Nyree Martinez (tie)
Best Theater Group: Tacoma Little Theatre
Best Northwest Book You Last Read: Tilting House by Tom Llewellyn
Best Comedian: Ralph Porter
Best Movie Theater: The Grand Cinema
Best Art Party Planner: Speakeasy Arts Cooperative
Best Literary Night: Anything at King’s Books
Best Art Gallery: Fulcrum Gallery
Best Visual Artist: Chandler O’Leary
Most Creative Person: RR Anderson

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