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Best of Olympia 2011 Readers' Picks: Arts & Entertainment

You voted for Ira Coyne, Kanako Wynkoop, Olympia Film Society, Elizabeth Lord, Ruby Reusable and others ...

Illustration by Sarah Utter

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Thank you to all who took the time to vote in our Best of Olympia 2011 Readers' Poll. You are the best.

Best Local Filmmaker: Kanako Wynkoop

Best Movie Theater: Capitol Theater, Olympia Film Society

Most Creative Person: Jordan Taylor

Best Theater Company: Harlequin Productions

Best Local Actor: Josh Anderson and Jason Haws (tie)

Best Local Actress: Elizabeth Lord

Best Local Director: Josh Anderson

Best Visual Artist: Nikki McClure

Best Mural/Graffiti Artist: Ira Coyne

Best Gallery: Matter Gallery

Best Art Exhibit of 2010: 25 Feet of Art, Washington Center

Best Non-Traditional Artist: Ruby Reusable

Best Local Author/Writer: Jim Lynch

Best Arts Scene MVP: Mariella Luz and Josh Anderson

Best Art Event: Olympia Arts Walk

Best Literary Night: Drunken Poetry at Last Word Books

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