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Best of Olympia 2011 Readers' Picks: City Living

You voted for Joe Hyer, SafePlace, Kimya Dawson, EGYHOP and more ...

Illustration by Sarah Utter

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Thank you to all who took the time to vote in our Best of Olympia 2011 Readers' Poll. You are the Best.

Best Politician: Joe Hyer
Best Non-profit: SafePlace
Best Use Of City Money: Supporting parks and the Parks and Recreation Department
Worst Use Of City Funds: New City Hall
Best Local Hero: Joe Hyer and Dick Pust (tie)
Best Local Blog:
Best Bus Stop: Olympia Transit Center
Best Professor/Employee At The Evergreen State College: Terry Setter
Best Cause: Homeless issues
Best Local Celebrity: Kimya Dawson
Best Friendly Face: The Brotherhood Lounge's Nikki Talotta and The Royal Lounge's Mike Anderson (tie)
Best Thing About Tumwater: Tumwater Falls Park
Best Thing About Lacey: "Nothing" scored a narrow victory over  
Best Place To People Watch: Downtown Olympia
Best Trail/Hike: Priest Point
Best View: Tumwater Hill
Best Charity: EGYHOP
Best Place To Hide: My house
Most Important Issue: Homelessness
Best Thing That's Happened In The Last Year:  King Solomon's Reef re-opens, Jeff Kingsbury leaves town, Olympia Film Society buys Capitol Theater (tie)

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