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Summer Guide 2011: ECETI Ranch


Photo credit: Jason Ganwich Photography

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What does ECETI stand for? It stands for Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Where is the ECETI Ranch? It's at the base of Mount Adams near Trout Lake, Wash. Why is the ECETI Ranch known internationally? It's one of the most frequented places in the world for UFO sightings, with about 3,000 sightings every year.

But what is the ECETI Ranch? Well that's a difficult question, maybe one best assessed after a visit, or journey, to the Ranch.

Even those who live at the ECETI Ranch can't define what the Ranch is in any simple terms.

"It's hard to nail down what ECETI is and when it started and all that," says Pamela, a resident at the Ranch.

Pamela and others at the Ranch are hesitant to talk with the Weekly Volcano. They say every time the media profiles the Ranch and the spiritual events that occur there, the area is flooded with UFO skeptics and beer-swilling partyers. After some convincing that the readers of the Volcano are anything but beer-swilling partyers (gulp!), Pamela graciously fills us in as best as she can.

"People who are on path to spiritual awakening find ECETI," she says.

Neither she nor James Gilliland, the man who built the Ranch on 70 acres, promise definite contact with little green men. But for those who have a positive attitude and stay open to the truth, Pamela says ECETI can be a life changing experience.

"Some have had experiences, some have not," says Pamela. "It's more about the awakening and consciousness than anything else."

Experiences? Awakening and consciousness? Some pretty heavy words ... possibly awakening the skeptic in all of us. Where's the proof?

The proof, or a version of it, is on the ECETI website. There, visitors can find a video titled "Ultradimensional Object Flying Around Mt. Adams with Rotational Field." There are photographs of UFO's, orbs and other out-of-this-world objects. There are schedules for Yi Gong classes and James Gilliland's radio show titled, "Contact has Begun."  Most convincingly, the website features video after video of testimonials of the objects people have seen in the sky and the changes people undergo while at the Ranch.

Pamela says as awe-inspiring as it is to see ships in the sky, there's more to the ECETI experience.

"Each individual creates their own experience here," says Pamela. "If they're just coming here to see ships in the sky, that might be all they get."

There's plenty to "get" around the ECETI Ranch, interplanetary or otherwise. Mount Adams and the Trout Lake area offer miles and miles of secluded wilderness. Outdoor enthusiasts can find everything from long backpacking excursions to serene picnics. The Gifford Pinchot National Forest combines the scenery of the west and east side of the Cascades.

The ECETI Ranch is open from May to October. Camping is allowed on ranch property and there are many hotels in the area. Time at the Ranch is pretty open. Other than sky watching and the occasional class, there aren't many group activities. This, Pamela says, allows time for personal meditation.

"People want time to complete their own unique journey."

Despite Pamela's hesitation towards beer-drinking naysayer's, she says the Ranch welcomes anyone who shows up. She says it's funny that the people who find the Ranch most often are on a unique spiritual journey.

They find the Ranch, or maybe, the Ranch finds them.

"People with an honest curiosity are led to come here," says Pamela. "People who are looking to explore their awakening and consciousness a little bit more."

DETAILS: Self Mastery Earth Institute - ECETI, 172 Little Mt. Road, Trout Lake, Wash., 509.395.2092,

BADGES EARNED: Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness Exploration, Face Time With Aliens, Beer Swilling (doh!)

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Comments for "Summer Guide 2011: ECETI Ranch" (13)

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Johken said on May. 10, 2011 at 3:47am

Well.......I suppose someone had to start this kind of thing. I'm just glad to see that "beer swilling" is part of the agenda! Go forth and prosper, all ye who seek enlightenment....

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Ufo Guy said on May. 17, 2011 at 9:28pm

The ECETI ranch is a scam. The "ultra-dimensional" object is a flying bug that looks bigger because of the night vision. It's a bug with wings!! All "UFO" videos from the ranch are bugs or birds but mostly they are common satellites. James Gilliland is a con-artist who rips off gullible people and I suppose that's why he needs to beg people for money now to mount a defense against County officials. I'm not sure what the County is after but I hope they shut this scam down and the con-artist who perpetuates these "UFO" fantasies in order to sell books and videos.

Go on up and watch satellites in night-vision, folks, but please don't give those crooks any money.

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love said on Jun. 23, 2011 at 8:05pm

oh come on... the place is NOT a scam ~ Don't let the nay sayers bring you down with their misconceptions. Getting out in nature is a scam? Connecting with your self or others, having some great experiences.. oh yeah sounds horrible.

There are UFOs at the place, of course what they actually are can vary. But one thing I know 100% is that those who say 'oh its a scam' etc. just simply have not the reference points to see the whole picture clearly.
I have had countless experiences with close encounters of many kinds. At the ECETI in particular as long as I bring a smile (a high vibration can come from even a simple legitimate smile ya know) I always have a good time sometimes its intense other times really relaxing but always rejuvinating. Its the experience that YOU create. Co-Create.

I have seen on a night almost 100 ufos most high altitude but even as much as a dozen lower ones, im talking way brighter than venus and even moving in serpentine patterns or arcs across the sky, sometimes changing directions. The point being : NO they are not all satellites and anyone who says so has not seen anything yet ;)

Seriously.. from what i myself have seen and experienced its just laughable what some people say... dont let others convince you of anything myself included, seek out your truth!!

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Search4TruthReality said on Jun. 26, 2011 at 10:57pm

I am an occasional beer-drinker - Brown Ales are my favorite. I'm not into Yoga. I eat meat and taters, and love strong coffee and sugary deserts. I didn't come to ECETI to see the UFOs; although, I'd hoped to see some. I didn't come for spiritual answers; although, I also hoped I'd find some. I came to ECETI to interview James Gilliland for a documentary that I'm producing. It deals with man-made flying saucers -- specifically, the one that Ralph Ring flew back in the late 1950's. The same one that the US Govt. purportedly confiscated soon after the OTC-X1 was successfully tested. The group was purportedly disbanded by the FBI and others, and were warned to never contact each other again; because, they represented a threat to the US Monetary system. 52 years later, the saga continues. People are building craft today based on Carr's designs; and, James was a witness to the tests.

Before visiting the ECETI ranch, I had exactly one ET contact experience. It's too long of a story to describe here. I'll just say that for a guy like me at the time, it was a surprise and a major awakening. (I test everything, including asking for a contact -- per James' worked!) At the ranch, I saw the UFOs. I've seen the ISS and the space shuttle. What I saw was NOT either of these OR satellites OR planes and helicopters. I'm sorry; but, bugs don't "power-up" brightly, nor do they silently travel at low altitudes from one horizon to the other. So, what are they? Take a visit to ECETI and see for yourself. If you don't see any, no big deal. It is a peaceful magnificent place to unwind.

Oh, and by the way, my contact experience continued at ECETI -- facilitated by James and Jenn; and, I'm NOT talking about the UFO sightings. Since my contact experience, I had questions, which James and Jenna were able to help me find answers. (another long story). Bottom line, the gift which was granted to me during my contact ET experience became complete at the ECETI Ranch. Without either of these experiences, I'd most likely be like many reading this right now thinking "BULL PUCKY!"; but, like many people who've experienced what I have, I find baseless opinions about my experiences to be irrelevant.

ECETI Ranch is a beautiful place. I look forward to returning sometime.


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Duke said on Jul. 01, 2011 at 5:19pm

Quick point for the ufo guy--- you do not need night vision goggles to see the numerous ufo's at eceti. The goggles do enhance the experience but are not necesarry for viewing the craft. Also, i have never personally seen bugs a half mile wide or better flying in triangular formations across the horizon. if someone knows of bugs this size please post the pictures!

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pamela said on Jul. 08, 2011 at 5:09pm

well... this is exactly why i was hesitant to interview for this article...didnt feel right ....not happy about the write up at all. oh well....wish we hadnt done it with the angle that was added (without proper context either...) live and learn... going with my gut from now on with these things. intent is everything...

thanks for the comments from those that actually get it and have been here.

:( pamela

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Josh said on Aug. 01, 2011 at 5:19pm

I would like to say that the author is a friend of mine and I think that he had every intention of being as un biased as one could be (though there is no such thing as true human objectivity inho). That being said, I have been to ECETI Ranch and saw with my own, two usually rational eyes several entities that moved quicker and in such motions than any other sky-based crafts I've seen.

Proof is in the journey to the ranch.Why not try and dislodge all your notions on everything and "get out of the thinking mind"once in a while?

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alan said on Feb. 09, 2012 at 10:30am

never been to ranch but found eceti website in 2008. James's You Tube segments had a profound effect on my faith and my life. I found the courage to change some things in my life that needed changing. The ranch has had a profound effect on many many people, even people doing UFO debunking shows. There's a lot of trash on the internet but eceti is the real deal. When i can afford a vacation i will choose to visit the ranch before id choose the giza pyramid. I hear James is in the documentary THRIVE. I hope it becomes popular. Keep up the good work eceti

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robert said on Apr. 14, 2012 at 4:07pm

I like the Thrive movie. I watched a documentary on the ranch. Some one mentioned a fairy sighting and took a picture. This doesn't make it seem credible. Otherworldy craft I can believe , but fairies? It looks like a beautiful place. I and my uncle have been having strange spiritual experiences the past 2 yrs. We know somethings coming. We can't talk to others we know because they think we're weird. We confide in each other. I'm glad we have each other. Hang on folks might be a bumpy ride ahead. God is real!

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DK said on Apr. 25, 2012 at 4:05am

Dear Writer,

You are wrong - I have been there and seen many UFOs. I'm not sure what the objective of this article is, but the only HOAX IS YOU. I know the truth, I've seen it, experienced it and you are a fraud misleading readers. Do you work for the Government? People, please do not take any one's word for it. Go see it yourself. Your life will change and you'll begin to see the idiots like the fellow who wrote this article.


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St. Abbert' said on Jun. 13, 2012 at 4:58pm

I have been there. I expected nothing but a nice time with my family and my wife's friend from time long ago, out in some very beautiful country.

I saw the most moving lights (satellites to some) imaginable (more that night then in all my viewing of ever- combined.) Then I saw Dual pin point flashes the same brightness of the other more typical moving lights and then saw tandem points of light in perfect parallel . All was theoretically dismissible as satellites until the two lights moving in parallel then change position with each other and one began to follow the other. This is not a typical satellite. All I can say is, I became reflective- happy the questions of life here on earth- knowing that I do not know it all- a life long learner. Thanks ECETI

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Laura said on Jun. 26, 2012 at 8:48pm

ECETI is no hoax. I experienced a couple paranormal things there. I viisted in May and don't have much experience with the paranormal beyond an interest in it. I can't say I saw ships, but I can say I saw lights in the sky unlike any others I've ever seen in my life. It also turned out to be a very spiritual experience--not one I was expecting at all. I can't wait to go back.

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Gazelle said on Jul. 30, 2012 at 6:51pm

@DK ..... Did you even read the article?? The article did not even once say anything negative about the place... Based on your observation of this article, I would not trust your judgement of truth on anything...

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