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JORDAN TAYLOR: One sexy drummer


JORDAN TAYLOR: 2011 sexiest drummer / photography by Jason Ganwich

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WEEKLY VOLCANO: Who are you and what do you do?

JORDAN TAYLOR: In person I'm untouchable, but I can be found online at For several years I drove myself crazy, until I found serenity in playing music. I studied philosophy, computer science, chemistry, applied mathematics and color by numbers.

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-ons?

TAYLOR: I like SHORT walks on the beach, people who are outgoing,  those flashlights you shake to charge, Hall & Oates, VHS players, nerdy girls, getting kissed on the ear, hula hoops, incoming calls when my phone is on vibrate and cashews on pizza. :)

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-offs?

TAYLOR: Things that gross me out include violence, guitars with bad intonation, someone telling you the ending of a movie you're about to see, people who can only text because they forgot how to talk on the phone,  the misuse of drugs and alcohol, jealousy and spicy clowns.

VOLCANO: How do you explain your victory in the 2011 Weekly Volcano Sexy Issue? Obviously you're doing something right ...

TAYLOR: When I play drums, I'm making love to the drums. The drums are sayin', "Whoa Jordan, be gentle, that hurts.." and I'm like, "I don't care, this feels good." I would have to attribute the success of our band to my sexiness, it has lead to the publication of this article and now KOZO is looking into signing with a record label. I'm not allowed to divulge which one, but lets just say it rhymes with Relapse Records.

VOLCANO: Is it ever difficult being so hot?

TAYLOR: Oh yeah, it was hard growing up being hotter than everyone I knew. I'm an exemplary of excellence. It's almost like a handicap.

VOLCANO: What's your favorite thing about where you live and work? What makes it sexy?

TAYLOR: The South Sound can be damn sexy. Going camping or on a hike to enjoy nature's beauty in between recording hit records is a must.

VOLCANO: Given the opportunity, one thing you'd like to say is:   

TAYLOR: Don't jump into your drum set, kids. It will only end up breaking your heart. <3 Jordakai

Comments for "JORDAN TAYLOR: One sexy drummer" (10)

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Tiffany said on Jun. 16, 2011 at 10:47pm

I <3 you Jordan, nice work!!

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Stephanie L. said on Jun. 16, 2011 at 10:52pm

Beautiful eyes, amazing hair! I wonder how he drums..

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Sarah said on Jun. 16, 2011 at 11:11pm

I love Kozo! This rules!

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Mark said on Jun. 17, 2011 at 2:31pm

looks like jesus! \m/

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Jordan's mom said on Jun. 18, 2011 at 4:13pm

I'm disappointed in you.

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Jessica Beam said on Jun. 25, 2011 at 9:31pm

LOL! That is such a funny interview! Luv ya!! :)

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Ian (droid) said on Jun. 28, 2011 at 6:17am

saw this guy play once, I told him he was rad and he was like "yeah, thanks.." and just walked off. biggesst jerk ever!

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anonymous said on Jun. 28, 2011 at 6:21am

I love my Kozo panties, thanks guys!

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Ashley Stout said on Jun. 30, 2011 at 7:49am

When's the next KOZO showzo?!

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Steve said on Aug. 08, 2011 at 4:19pm

This band played at my shop. They were great!!

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