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LISA HEPFER: One sexy mom

The fit, fabulous and fun redhead

LISA HEPFER: 2011 sexiest mom / photography by Jason Ganwich

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WEEKLY VOLCANO: Who are you and what do you do?

LISA HEPFER: I'm a fit, fabulous and fun redhead named Lisa. I'm married to Morgan and we have two adorable kids, Finley (3) and Xavier (1). We own CrossFit Tacoma and I own Lisa Monet Photography. I also teach pre-school gymnastics at the YMCA. 

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-ons?

HEPFER: It's the best when I come home to find my husband has made dinner, kept the kids happy and even done the dishes. 

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-offs?

HEPFER: For some reason my husband thinks it's fun to grow a mustache.

VOLCANO: How do you explain your victory in the 2011 Weekly Volcano Sexy Issue? Obviously you're doing something right. ...

HEPFER: Being fit makes me look and feel sexy. Hooray for pull-ups, kettlebell swings and all the fun things we do at CrossFit Tacoma! Thanks to my friends and family who voted for me. It was a great present for my 30th birthday!

VOLCANO: Is it ever difficult being so hot?

HEPFER: No, it's not difficult being hot. I was born with red hair so I've always been hot. I‘m used to it by now.

VOLCANO: What's your favorite thing about where you live and work? What makes it sexy?

HEPFER: My favorite thing about Tacoma is that there is always something fun for the kids and me to do. We can visit our awesome Pt. Defiance Zoo, the Children's Museum, story time at the library and the many playgrounds all over the city. Our farmers markets, community gardens and small businesses such as Corina's Bakery and Defiance Bicycles are what make Tacoma have so much sex appeal! 

VOLCANO: Given the opportunity, one thing you'd like to say is: 

HEPFER: Let's have a Reading Rainbow moment: Read the book Love is a Choice. It changed my life by teaching me about healthy relationships.

Comments for "LISA HEPFER: One sexy mom" (2)

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Ann Haugen Michael said on Jun. 10, 2011 at 9:18am

Proud to say I know her! Even prouder to say she's related!!

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Janice Hurley-Trailor said on Jun. 10, 2011 at 3:57pm

Great little interview and super photo. Excellent Job just being you Lisa !! Very Cool and I will have to add that book to my summer reading list I see. Thanks for the heads up.

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