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Best of Olympia 2012 Music: Readers pick The Brown Edition, Broken Water, Wild Man James. Capitol Theater and more ...

Weekly Volcano readers pick the best in Thurston County music

Many awesome events happen at the Capitol Theater in downtown Olympia.

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The Weekly Volcano would like to thank all those who took the time to vote in the Best of Olympia 2012 Readers' Poll. You are the best.

Best Band: The Brown Edition

Best New Band: Science!

Best Indie Band: Broken Water

Best Metal Band: Wolves in the Throne Room

Best Punk Band: Warning Track

Best Jazz Band: The Greta Jane Quartet

Best DJ: Wild Man James

Best Cover Band: Second Skin

Best Hip-Hop Group: Hollywood Kill Krew

Best Record: Kendl Winter "The Mechanics of Hovering Flight"

Best Live Music Venue: Capitol Theater

Best All-Ages Venue: The Midnight Sun

Best Music Scenester: Calvin Johnson and Jabi Shriki (tie)

Best Open Mic: Hannah's Bar & Grille

Best Blues Band: Hurts Like Hell

Best Experimental Music: Malaikat Dan Singa

Best Karaoke: The China Clipper

Best Dance Club: Jake's on 4th

Best Bookings: Capitol Theater

Music Scene MVP: Steve Munger

Best Radio Station: KAOS

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Comments for "Best of Olympia 2012 Music: Readers pick The Brown Edition, Broken Water, Wild Man James. Capitol Theater and more ..." (1)

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J.J. Syrja said on Mar. 13, 2012 at 9:52am

Thanks to all who voted for KAOS--please visit the website,, to get show times for your favorite music, news and public affairs programming.
Nearly 40 years on, we've still got an incredible array of shows and DJs--we call them
programmers--who care deeply about their audience. Pass it on.

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