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Best of Tacoma 2013 Readers' Poll: City Living

You chose Mayor Marilyn Strickland, Sonics Guy, @kennycoble, London Couture and others ...

Best Local Hero: Kris Brannon aka Sonics Guy / Photo by Pat Snapp

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Thank you to all who took the time to vote in our Best of Tacoma 2013 Readers' Poll. You are the Best.

Best Politician: Mayor Marilyn Strickland

Best Politician You Love To Hate: Tim Eyman

Biggest Nuisance: Potholes

Best Pierce County Nonprofit Organization: Goodwill

Best Local Hero: Kris Brannon aka Sonics Guy

Best Pierce County Based Website:

Best Pierce County-based Twitter To Follow: @kennycoble

Best Street Fair: Art on the Ave

Best Local celebrity: Vicci Martinez

Best Hidden Gem: London Couture

Best Trail/Hike: Point Defiance Park

Best Bus Stop: Tacoma Dome Station

Best place to Take Out Of Towners: Point Defiance Park

Best Bail Bonds: C.J. Johnson

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