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3 Cheers: Gingerbread Town

Three lip-smacking tastes to try this week

Legendary Doughnuts in Tacoma has a gingerbread cheesecake doughtnut. photo credit: Jackie Fender

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Oh Gingerbread Man with your gumdrop buttons and frosting smile, how you tempt me. But let's face it, you're pretty much asking to be ingested when you run around taunting, "Run, run, as fast as you can! You can't catch me! I'm the Gingerbread Man!" It's like you're challenging me. Well let me tell you, I'm gonna catch ya, and I'm gonna eat ya. Get in my belly little man. There's no hiding, though your attempts were valiant. I managed to find the teasing little bugger morning, noon and night. Three cheers to all things gingerbread!

Gingerbread cheesecake doughnut

I started my day eyeing donuts Homer Simpson style at Legendary Doughnuts. It's known for its fun and compelling recipes and fun monikers like "Bill Gates" and "Sleepless in Seattle," and lo and behold, there they were. Choose from a gingerbread cake donut or the gingerbread cheesecake doughnut, which is a delectable spiced cake with rich and creamy frosting. It's a sweet treat and shareable, not due to size, but thanks to just how rich it is. Wash it down with some milk or a hot cup of joe. It didn't look like the Gingerbread Man, but he was lurking in there for sure.

LEGENDARY DOUGHNUTS, 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 2602 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.327.1327

Gingerbread lattes

I began feeling sluggish mid afternoon and needed a bit of a pick me up. To Anthem Coffee and Tea I ventured. Could it be? Why yes, there it was, gingerbread lattes! It seemed a natural progression from my months-long pumpkin latte bender now that Thanksgiving had come and gone. Anthem Coffee can be found in both downtown Tacoma and Puyallup and serves up espresso drinks alongside a fabulous tap list and nibbles. It also hosts a variety of entertaining events like poetry slams and live music. It's no wonder the crumbly fella was hiding there.

ANTHEM COFFEE AND TEA, 1911 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.572.9705; 210 West Pioneer, Puyallup, 253.881.1445

Gingerbread beer

As the day came to a close, I felt the urge for a cold brewski. All of this Gingerbread Man hunting can make a gal thirsty. I headed to Pint Defiance Specialty Beers and Taproom. Not only can you meander through the shop with a beer in hand, but also the staff is super loaded up on knowledge of the hops and makes excellent suggestions. Plus the inventory features among the best artisan, craft brews in town. I should have known my cookie friend would try to pull one over on me, but he didn't escape my sights! He was hiding in a bottle of gingerbread beer by Bison Brewing. This lightly spiced porter had a lovely amber-brown hue. Malty, smooth, sessionable and organic to boot. A must sip for those who seek fun holiday flavors.

PINT DEFIANCE SPECIALTY BEERS AND TAPROOM, 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2049 Mildred St. W., Fircrest, 253.302.4240

See Also

3 Cheers: Mug City

3 Cheers: Soup Town Tacoma

3 Cheers: Pumpkin Town

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