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Streets of honor

Several named for MOH recipients

Mann Avenue is one of three streets on JBLM Main named after a recipient of the Medal of Honor. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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Three streets on Joint Base Lewis-McChord are named after four Medal of Honor recipients.

Pendleton Avenue honors Staff Sgt. Jack Pendleton; Mann Avenue honors Pfc. Joe Mann; and Stryker Avenue honors Pfc. Stuart Stryker and Spc. Robert Stryker.

Pendleton, Mann and Stuart Stryker served in World War II, and Robert Stryker served in Vietnam.

All four gave their lives to save others.

Pendleton Avenue

Raised in Yakima, Jack Pendleton enlisted in the Army in July 1942.  After basic training at Fort Lewis, he later completed infantry training at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, and was assigned to I Company, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division.

On Oct. 12, 1944, outside of the German town of Bardenberg, Pendleton voluntarily led his squad in an attack on an enemy machine gun emplacement. After crawling more than 125 yards, he was seriously wounded. Despite this, he continued forward.

He was killed within 10 yards of the enemy's position.

Pendleton's attack allowed a second squad to join his squad and maneuver into a spot from which they destroyed the gun. Pendleton's heroism saved lives and allowed his soldiers to advance.  

The Medal of Honor was posthumously awarded to Staff Sgt. Pendleton March 15, 1945.

Pfc. Joe Mann

Born and raised in Reardon, Washington, Mann enlisted in the Army in August 1942.  After basic training at Fort Lewis, he trained in Toccata, Georgia.

Sent to Europe, he served as a scout with Company H, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment.

On Sept. 18, 1944, near Best, Holland, German soldiers surrounded Mann's platoon.  Mann crept to within rocket-launcher range and destroyed an 88-mm gun and an ammunition depot.

Wounded in four places, he continued to engage the enemy.

The following day, the Germans counterattacked.  A grenade landed near Mann.  Unable to raise his arms, which were bandaged to his body, he threw himself on it.

His actions saved the lives of the soldiers around him, and Aug. 30, 1945, Pfc. Mann posthumously received the Medal of Honor.  

Pfc. Stuart Stryker

Stryker hailed from Portland, Oregon, and in July 1943, joined the Army.  After initial training, he served in E Company, 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division.

On March 24, 1945, near Wesel, Germany, Stryker's platoon became pinned down by German gunfire. During the encounter, Stryker ran to the head of the unit, called his soldiers to follow him and charged the German position.

Although killed by enemy gunfire, Stryker's attack provided a diversion that allowed other soldiers to take the position, capture more than 200 German soldiers and free three American airmen.

On Dec. 11, 1945, Pfc. Stryker was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

Spc. Robert Stryker

Growing up in Throop, New York, Stryker enlisted into the Army in January 1963.  When his enlistment ended, he reenlisted in January 1967 and was assigned to C Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division.

On Nov. 7, 1967, Stryker was part of a reconnaissance force near Loc Ninh, South Vietnam.  

Ambushed by Viet Cong fighters, Stryker used his M-79 grenade launcher to repel the enemy.  At one point during the fight, he moved to take under fire an enemy element trying to encircle the American force.

At one point, he noticed several wounded squad members in the killing zone of a triggered enemy claymore mine.

Stryker threw himself on the mine as it detonated, shielding at least half a dozen of his fellow soldiers from the explosion.

Spc. Stryker posthumously received the Medal of Honor Nov. 4, 1969.

The two Strykers were not related; however, in 2002, the Army named its newest fighting vehicle "Stryker" to honor them both.

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