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Fund helps members of the wing

The Minuteman Fund of Washington provides temporary financial support for guardsman needing help. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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"It didn't take long to hear back," wrote Dawn Gibbs in an email.

Then again, it was the Minuteman Fund of Washington that was asked for some information about its programs.

The fund takes its names from the civilian colonists, who during the American Revolution, independently organized to form well-prepared fighting forces with the ability to be ready at a moment's notice.

Gibbs, who is the fund's secretary, received a response to the email seeking information in less than a minute.

"The fund provides assistance grants to Washington National Guard members who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties, and we work to get them help as soon as we can," Gibbs explained.

The fund is organized and operated for educational, charitable, community information and historical purposes.

The fund has a virtual office that is staffed by volunteers.  Except for minimal operating expenses, 100 percent of all donated funds go to emergency assistance grants for Guard members.

All monies received are dispersed through the Minuteman Emergency Assistance Fund (MEAF).

Money from the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and other sources goes to cover the loss of funds, funeral expenses for dependents, rent, food, emergency travel expenses, utilities, essential privately owned vehicles, clothing, fire, and medical and hospital expenses.

The Minuteman Fund of Washington CFC contribution number is 86017.

"The fund provides hope," explained Angela Sutter, the fund's treasurer.

"It lets soldiers and airmen know that things will be ok."

She related a story about how she met a soldier and his young son at a rental property to give them a check so they could stop couch surfing.

The money allowed them to pay a down payment and the first month's rent to live in a house for the first time in quite a long time.

"As the treasurer, I usually meet the member to give them the money, and you can just see the relief in their eyes," continued Sutter.

For more information about this program, visit

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