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Passionate service

Madigan Foundation earns its stripes

The Madigan Foundation combines passion with fiscal responsibility in meeting the unmet needs of servicemembers and their families. Photo credit: J.M. Simpson

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For almost a quarter of a century, the Madigan Foundation has steadfastly worked to make the lives of servicemembers, their families, retirees and the Madigan Army Medical Center's staff better.

Created in 1995, the nonprofit 501 (c)(3) foundation is unique in military medicine.

"The foundation is a team of caring community members that go above and beyond assisting those in great need," wrote current president and retired Col. David Soma, in an email.

Last year alone, the foundation provided close to $15,000 worth of eyeglasses to junior enlisted family members.

Operated by volunteers, the foundation meets the unmet needs of those who would otherwise not receive them.

From scholarships and respite care to the purchasing of car seats and sponsoring research lectures, the foundation remains a constant source of help for military families and care providers.

"One hundred percent of every dollar received through Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, donations goes to accomplishing the foundation's mission," continued Soma.

The Madigan Foundation's CFC donation number is 92486.

Everything from baby formula to an air conditioner comes into play.

Not long ago, a mother contacted the foundation and said that she needed an air conditioner due to her baby's critical medical condition.

Not surprisingly, Tri-Care doesn't cover such expenses, and the baby's family could not afford the additional expense.

"A board member personally went to a local hardware store, purchased the air conditioning unit, contacted the family and then arranged for it to be installed," wrote Soma.

"This organization's passion is its driving force, and it shows in each act of kindness."

It also takes the form of special formula.

Recently, the foundation received a call from the Department of Special Pediatrics at the Madigan Army Medical Center.

A parent with a deployed spouse and three young children, one requiring special formula, was having trouble acquiring it. The cost of the special formula is $800 per month.

A pediatric nurse worked to find a program to provide the formula to the family. She succeeded when a pharmacy in Gig Harbor agreed to provide it.

The foundation will pick up the cost.

For more information about the Madigan Foundation, visit

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