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The strength of compassion

Humane Society saves animals' lives

A JBLM soldier adopts a kitten from the Humane Society of Tacoma-Pierce County. Photo credit: Humane Society of Tacoma-Pierce County

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Begun in 1888 when Tacoma was a frontier town, an inebriated logger brought a bear cub to the corner of 8th and Pacific Ave., where he began to kick the animal.

Initial efforts by a passersby to stop the abuse failed until the police arrived, arrested the man and took him to jail.

Not long thereafter, a group of civic leaders formed the Tacoma Humane Society, only the fourth of its kind in the nation at the time.

In the early 1950s, the society moved to its present location at 2608 Center St. in Tacoma.

From its first day in operation until now, the society's mission has been to advance and promote positive relationships between animals and people.

"You can't fulfill that mission if you don't operate from a place of compassion," wrote Claudia Tanis, director of development, in an email.

The compassion she speaks of extends to the 8,000 voiceless animals that come to the shelter needing care; the 1,700 plus pet owners who are reunited with their lost pets; and for the families that struggle to make ends meet that receive veterinary assistance, food and supplies in order to keep their pets.

"We are a community resource that exudes the compassion that I am speaking of," continued Tanis. "It is very real in the pets and the people we serve."

A part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the Humane Society of Tacoma-Pierce County uses 83 percent of all donations to serve the animals.

The society's CFC donation number is 84645.

"We have received $79,000 in funds from the wonderful donors giving through CFC since 2004," continued Tanis.

"It is a wonderful example of how a group of people, giving what they can, can combine forces for a huge impact. Those funds have directly saved thousands of animals' lives over the years."

That's the power of compassion.

For more information, visit or call 253.383.2733.

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