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Commissary offering new savings and health programs

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Military members who are rolling out their New Year's resolutions may want to consider the commissary if their pledges involve saving money and healthy living, said the Defense Commissary Agency's sales director.

"Whether it's cash or calories, commissaries are here to help our customers save," said Chris Burns, sales director. "We are kicking off the new year with specials on healthy brands and ‘good for you' recipe booklets that include greatly reduced coupons for all their ‘eating right' diet changes.

"The commissaries are also gearing up for all big football parties, leading up to the king daddy of them all - the Super Bowl!" Burns added. "If they're throwing a football party in the barracks or just watching the game at home, our customers will be able to save money with coupons and better prepare their party menus with recipes designed to score a touchdown with their friends and families."

Throughout January, DeCA's industry partners - manufacturers, vendors, brokers and suppliers - will host many in-store promotions and provide extra savings focused on getting you started in the right direction for 2012. Overseas stores may have substitute events for certain promotional programs. Customers are asked to check their local commissary for the following super sales events:

  • Special K Challenge. The Kellogg Company is offering special savings on brands such as Fiber Plus, Nutri-Grain and Right Bites. Product demonstrations will be held in stores with military coupons offering cross-category savings on produce items. In addition, customers are asked to look out for a flyer in early January announcing the Special K Challenge event and offering even more ways to save on Special K products.
  • "Breakfast: Bring it On!" Quaker and Tropicana presents its 7th annual breakfast bundling event to help raise the awareness on the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast. This event will also continue to support the commissary theme, "It's Your Choice, Make It Healthy." Commissary customers can receive high-value "bounce back" coupons for the month of February by locating the Quaker and Tropicana store displays and visiting Patrons will also be able to vote for their favorite military charity - the Fisher House or Operation Homefront. The charity with the most votes will receive $4,500 worth of breakfast products, compliments of Quaker and Tropicana.
  • "Promises for the New Year Sale." Nestle Purina Pet Care Company is offering commissary shoppers at participating stores a chance to win free dog or cat food. Each winner will be given VIP coupons to feed one average dog or cat for six months - $132 in dog coupons and $96 in cat coupons. One winner per store will be announced the last week of January. Participating stores will have banners, signs, entry boxes and pads for customer convenience. Customers can also enjoy great savings on their favorite Purina pet brands.
  • Meet country music stars. Dr Pepper and Motts are offering commissary customers a chance to meet today's most popular country music stars. Four stateside commissary customers and their guests will win trips to the 2012 Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. The trip packages include: roundtrip airfare from Los Angeles, roundtrip ground transportation, deluxe hotel accommodations for three nights, meal vouchers, Saturday private concert/welcome reception, Sunday ACMA telecast (two tickets) and Sunday Post All-Star Jam (two tickets). Commissary customers in Europe and in the Far East can register for a chance to win a 46-inch, big-screen television. One winner each will be chosen from Europe and the Far East.
  • Big Game, Bigger Savings. ConAgra Foods is kicking off 2012 with great customer savings during its "Big Game, Bigger Savings" truckload event, offering a "Big Game Party Play Book" that includes recipes and $10 in coupon savings. Participating commissaries will host product demonstrations on Super Bowl weekend, which will include free "Big Game Party Play Books" and a demonstration of Orville Pop-Up Popcorn Bowls. The ConAgra Foods Military website, offers shoppers a list of items on sale in the commissaries, as well as printable coupons on ConAgra Foods brands. ConAgra Foods donates a portion of its truckload sales to support the Scholarship for Military Children Program.
  • 2012 Super Bowl Savings Spectacular. Kraft Foods is offering exclusive an in-store "Game Day" coupon and recipe flyer with more than $10 in savings. The coupon flyer features party planning tips and recipe ideas on game-day brands such as Planters nuts, Oscar Mayer deli meats, hot dogs, Claussen pickles, Nabisco favorites (Ritz, Wheat Thins, Triscuit and Oreo), Cool Whip, and Kraft natural cheeses. Kraft Foods brands have also teamed up with Coke Zero for a national game-day, gear-up event, which features coupons for savings on Nabisco cookies and crackers, Planters nuts products and Coke Zero, a game-day recipe booklet. This event also includes a celebrity chef's contest, "The Battle of the Topping" via the RITZ Crackers Facebook page. Customers can vote for their favorite Ritz topping from January through February and enter this contest for a chance to win prizes.
  • Old El Paso Halftime. Customers will see displays and coupons for Old El Paso and General Mills Snacks products.
  • Year of the Dragon. Chinese New Year begins the last week in January and La Choy Chinese food products and CTC Foods Company will be offering savings on its Oriental food items throughout February. These sales events will also offer recipes for preparing Chinese food dinners at home.

"Our commissaries are offering shoppers healthy beginnings for the New Year, and we want them to take advantage of all the super savings and contests and giveaways available at their stores this month," Burns said. "But it's not just in January; we work hard to offer our shoppers great savings at their commissary year round."





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