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Meet SGT Elias Hernandez

Making good decisions

SGT Elias Hernandez, 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, B Troop, 1st Brigade, 2nd SBCT, believes that making the right decisions are a positive in his military career. Photo credit: Courtesy photo

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Newly promoted SGT Elias Hernandez clearly understands the concept that when he makes a good decision, he knows that decision will also make a better person.

"I decided to enlist right after graduating from high school in 2020 because I wanted to give the military a ‘chance' when it came to deciding on a career," began the native of Lubbock, Texas. "I also didn't want to just jump into college and not know for sure what I wanted to do or what my college degree would be in."

Presently, Hernandez is a cavalry scout assigned to 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, B Troop, 1st Brigade, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.

He is quick to credit his parents for providing numerous examples of how he should make the best of the decisions he makes, adding that they wanted him to take advantage of every opportunity and to always have a positive attitude in all that he does.

"They've always pushed me to better myself and reach my goals, even the furthest ones there are," he added.

Since enlisting and excelling in the Army, he mentioned that he is very appreciative of his friends who have always stood beside him and pushed him to advance in his career.

"My wife especially has always trusted in my decisions and has never left my shoulder when it came to the hard times of being in the military, such as when I had to be gone for Ranger School for 62 days straight," explained Hernandez.

Describing himself as both ambitious and a fighter, his efforts at Ranger School were met with success by earning his tab.

"I am ambitious because I never quit on something I really want to achieve ... and I am a fighter because during the lowest points of my life, in my military experience, I always pulled myself to the top and others around me also."

Hernandez added that he knew attending Ranger School would give him an advantage to walk through the doors that will open during his Army career, to say nothing of the experience of attending a school that is very competitive to succeed in. But his decision to attend and pass Ranger School is more than this, it has made Hernandez a more professional soldier.

"It made me more involved in the military by putting my hard work, knowledge and focus into becoming a better leader and soldier. I do believe that Ranger School has made me a more elite solider."

Hernandez plans on making the Army a career. His near-term goal is to earn a tan beret and join a Ranger Regiment; his long-term goals are to attend college and serve as a firefighter.

He concluded with this, "Learn as much as you can from others with experience, and don't stop until you achieve what you set out to do. Perhaps earning that tab on your shoulder."

"You make a good decision, and that decision will make you a better soldier."

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