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Low Limit vs. Lando Kal

The Golden Handshake EP

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If Ultraman decided to take a stab at the rap game, his beats would probably sound something like this. The Golden Handshake is an EP of tracks made separately by electronic music producers Lando Kal and Low Limit, who usually work together under the name Lazer Sword. Though futuristic, glitchy beats have been done before by a wide range of producers, Lando Kal and Low Limit both add a unique take on the genre. That being said, both producers are very similar stylistically. Then again they have been working together for years now, so this only makes sense.

While listening to The Golden Handshake, I kept wondering how these tracks would sound with an MC rapping over them. While some of the tracks do sample liberally from rappers, such as "Where You Been 7.0," which starts with a brief, heavily filtered sample of Jay Z, there are never any real instances on the record where actual rapping occurs. One can only hope someone samples these guys soon.

Both Low Limit and Lando Kal are very young producers, and it will be interesting to see how they expand on their current sound in the future. Regardless, The Golden Handshake is still overall an enjoyable, though not very replay-able, EP. - Nick Carroll

Nick Carroll is assistant promotions director at KUPS 90.1FM "The Sound," based on the University of Puget Sound campus in Tacoma.

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ao))) said on May. 09, 2010 at 12:53pm

good job

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