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"Fight for Existence"

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Why is Japanese punk always so good?  MCR records has just released the Fight for Existence EP-  by the band Reject, from Nagoya City.  What has your experience with Japanese punk been like?  Mine has been awesome, and Reject continues to bring the raw energy I've come to expect out of our friends from the East. 

This five-piece band that's been together for 10 years have a sound that's distinctly Japanese - while still managing to be original.  These guys bring a lot of power and aggression, but are a bit more melodic than Gauze.  Reject doesn't utilize thrashy blast-beats nearly as much as bands like Koro; I would liken their tempo to bands like Forward. The basic package is really fast with tons of drum fills in strange places going at 200 m.p.h., heavy guitars and 5 people screaming lyrics in broken English (or just Japanese words that sound like English). I make up my own lyrics. 

Like I said at the good. 

Check out the MCR Web site for this release and others such as Wolfbrigade, Darge and Raw Noise.

Forest Longwood


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South Sound Music Calendar: Saturday, April 3

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