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Accountable to all

NCO sets the example

Staff Sgt. Christina Winter believes accountability is vital to being a good NCO. Photography by J.M. Simpson

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For Staff Sgt. Christina Winter, joining the Army was for her the best decision she has ever made.

“No doubt, the best thing I have every done,” said the noncommissioned officer (NCO) who serves in the Madigan Army Medical Center’s (MAMC) emergency room.

“I grew up sheltered, and while serving my country I have gotten out and learned a great deal about life and the world; I have been very fortunate.”

A native of Texas, Winter joined to serve the country and because she was looking for a change in her life.

“It was time for me to get out and learn,” said Winter.

In talking about the opportunities the Army has offered to her, Winter said that the sky is the limit in what a soldier can learn.

“All it takes is the willingness to apply yourself and learn.”

Not only does Winter want to make the Army a career, she is also determined to become either a physician’s assistant or nurse.

“Taking and building on what I’ve learned as a NCO will help me to continue to serve as an officer,” continued Winter.

As an NCO, she believes that the core value of accountability is vital to success in the mentoring of young soldiers.

“Be accountable to your soldiers; do the mission right; take care of the equipment entrusted to you,” stressed Winter.

A soldier who describes herself as being patient in the midst of hectic conditions, she strongly encourages young soldiers to take every opportunity to learn new things.

“Learn,” stated Winter emphatically.

“Take the initiative to learn everything you can; the Army offers soldiers the opportunities to advance yourself and your career.”

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